Friday, November 25, 2011

Bieber Baby Mama Wants Another DNA Test

I think we all knew this day was coming. As soon as Justin Bieber got a DNA test without the attorney for Mariah Yeater being present this was coming. I see their point. How do we know it is Justin Bieber who took the test and not one of the people from his Macy's commercial. By the way, I have to say I really liked that commercial. Not enough for what Macy's probably had to pay to get him in their commercials, but it was funny. At least they didn't spend multiple millions only to have an awful commercial.

Anyway, the lawyer for Mariah wants to set up a time where Justin can be tested at the same time as Mariah and the baby. You know, just a big, happy family reunion. Maybe they can even find a closet and have 30 seconds of alone time. I wonder if Justin will see her and say, "I remember you. Los Angeles. Dressing room."


  1. He didn't have to get tested all.

    That's one cute baby. Too bad he has a loon for a mother.

  2. i guess he did DNA test with the presence of an attorney or lawyer to testify that it's his DNA

  3. I thought the Macy's commercial was funny too.

  4. And to mariah Yeater I'd like to say: "keep fucking that chicken!"

  5. Isn't she supposed to be like 20, 21 years old? She has lines around her eyes and mouth,,,,more like she's in her 30's or more

  6. Both his and her lawyers agreed on a third party facility for DNA testing. The third party simply takes both DNAs and tests them. Both parties' lawyers agreed that the chosen facility is top notch, and would provide accurate results, and that DNA was taken under closely supervised environment.

    I thought that maybe she could right, that there was a chance Biebs could be the father. But with this last trick, I now don't believe at all that Biebs is the father.

    Also, Bieber gave a two-week notice of when he was going to submit his DNA, her lawyers new it, heck, all readers new it. They simply should've been there.

  7. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I'm with you Sharknerd...there's no way that girl is not way older than 20.

  8. That baby is adorable! If she is lying, then she might need mental help. Or perhaps someone should start up a 'famewhore' rehab. There are certainly a lot of people who could use it.

  9. So they want another one already? So it's official the first test was negative?

    This story is going to die by next week. If the lawyer tries to make too much noise about a test done by a very reputable facility, the lawyers for that lab will be all over him. Time to cut and run Team Yeater. She's lying and everyone knows it. Sorry you are not going to get paid, lawyer dude.

  10. Uh..her lawyers were supposed to be there, just as his were. It needs to be done again and done properly without any notion of mispropriety at all. Then it will be the true results. His lawyers never should have even had him to the test without the opposing side there, that is fishy to me and they, the lawyers know it.

  11. Is 20 the new 50? I have never seen so many facial lines on someone supposedly 20.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. darling baby!!! what a cutie :) so sad that this child is w/ a mentally ill mother. seriously, its been proven that justin is not the father and she continues to insist that he is. what else do you call that. delusional.

  14. And when thats done she will think of another reason to keep the Bieber hopes alive. She's legally stalking him IMO.

  15. HOW has this story not died yet??

  16. She's a stalker - she said she herself wanted to be present at the testing. Just an excuse to force Bieber to spend time with her.

  17. Mooshki, I really think you and I are onto it, not to pat myself on the back. But she is clearly unhinged and wants to be close to him. It baffles me this is working. Celebrities better be careful or their more clever stalkers will find ways to force the legal system to let them get close to their targets. This is a dangerous precedent. He needs to put his foot down at some point.

  18. There's no reason for HER to be there; her lawyer, yeah, that's logical. Her? No.

  19. That is pretty weird. That sort of cements it, doesn't it? The test must have been negative. At this point his attorneys shouldn't be doing anything else, right?

    I'll chime in to agree that it's an awfully cute baby, too bad about psycho mom!

  20. Last I heard she dropped the case because there are text messages confirming Justin is NOT the father.
