Saturday, November 12, 2011

Ashton Kutcher & Kim Kardashian In One Post

The past two days I have tried to make the site a little more Kutcher and Kardashian free. I have hard time believing that huge football fan Ashton Kutcher was totally unaware of the Joe Paterno child molestation scandal when he Tweeted about it as he is now claiming. I also don't believe he is really giving up his Twitter account completely. I think it was just some damage control because lets face it, he looked like a stupid insensitive idiot and he is already world class at looking like that.

Meanwhile, Jonathan Jaxson was all over everywhere talking about Kim Kardashian and all the publicity stunts she did for fame. He said that she already owned her engagement ring and that she used the ring to try and get everyone to believe she was engaged to Reggie Bush. Jaxson also said that Kim made a ton of money off her wedding and that she wanted to call off her wedding long before it happened but did not want to have to give the money back. You would think for that kind of money she could stick it out for a year. I think she did it now because she wanted higher ratings during sweeps.


  1. Kutcher knew - he just didnt care. He thought his followers would accept his opinion without question.

  2. IDC about htis story, per se...but just saying that, while I usually go for white dudes (although I've had great sex with black dudes), Reggie Bush is freaking gorgeous and also apparently smart for getting away from that dumb cunt blood-sucking leech fame whore.

  3. And fuck Ashton. He is nothing more than Kelso to me: fairly decent-looking but stupid as hell.

  4. Enty ,you needs to be specific on Kardashian:her former publicist says "Two weeks prior to her wedding, she knew it was not something she wanted to do. Unfortunately they were obligated to honor contracts [with E!] otherwise they would have owed a lot of people a lot of money."
    "She's never gotten over Reggie Bush."

    The former publicist also confessed he actually help create "engagement" stories with both Kim and Reggie's cooperation. Jaxson admits that when they were together, he would stage photo ops with the paparazzi so the pair would be photographed leaving various Beverly Hills jewelry stores.
    Jaxson added that the ring Reggie "gave" to Kim in 2007 is identical to the one that Kris proposed with in May.

  5. What selenakyle said- Kutcher is nice to look at, but he is so one-dimensional and stupid. He wasn't acting when he portrayed Kelso. He really is that fucking dumb.

    Can we just excise the word "Kardashian" from our collective consciousness already? If I never read or hear about any of them ever again, I would be okay with that.

  6. I competely agree re: Kutcher. He really seems like one of the most stupid celebs out there, and that is saying a lot.

  7. I LOVE the tabloids at the grocery stores these days...It's fun to see them all ripping Kim apart, too funny to see her gluttonous greed has finally caught up to her.

  8. I think Kim filing for divorce the same week her mother's book is released is a bit to "convenient." To me, it was a careful scheme to make the most of a negative situation for their own needs. Would Kris Jenner have gotten all the attention & interviews if Kim hadn't filed for divorce & then hid in the background? Of course not. And while I'm sure they would have loved to keep the sham marriage going for awhile, I don't think her husband was willing to play along at all. He was too much of a liability & he had to be cut ASAP.

  9. Where's Kim's gigantic ass hiding in that photo? Under the photo-shoppers air brush tool? o.O

  10. oh what a tangled web they weaved.

  11. I love the hatred Kim is getting
    from every direction. she deserves it.

    Star magazine has her on the cover going to Rehab. They have Rehab for Attention Whores? Then Lindsay needs to be her roommate.

  12. anybody who watches soap operas knows exactly what Kim is doing.

    Happy couples are boring. Dating, fast marriages and quickie divorces spices things up and keeps things interesting. She just didn't expect all the blow back (cause it's suppsed to be "real") not Soap Opera.

    It's just the dumb jocks who don't know any better (save Reggie) that go along with it.

    She is trying to be the reality tv Erica Kane.

  13. To add to what pomme said ...

    Jaxson said that not only didn't she not get over Reggie Bush, but the reason that they broke up was related to her fame whoring. He did NOT know anything about all the staging and when he found out he sent her big ass packing. I am so glad that this whore is at the fifteenth minute of her extended fame.

  14. Haha @yournamehere
    I was thinking the exact same thing!

  15. Love this site and its comments. Tangent alert: does anyone else think about the "aunts and uncles" in Fahrenheit 451 when witnessing all this hyper reality? Also Ionesco's Rhinoscerous... Near the end where the main characters engage in courting, relationship and breakup within a 5minute window?

  16. Kutcher is just another ass that figured that Paterno's legacy would override that pesky little molestation story.

    Well, the former publicist confirms what everyone was saying all along. And he has a book coming out, so that's why all the press, I guess. Also, one article i read said he made out with Cuba Gooding, Jr. That was an interesting tidbit.

  17. @Paris..That would be one crowded ass rehab now wouldn't it. Could you imagine the withdrawls for that?

    @CarrieL: Did you read what Nicole Browns sster had to say about Kris' book the other day? NOT pretty..She too made a point about Kris using her dead sister for profit.

    The whole house of cards comes tumbling down...Who else is as happy as me? Show of hands?

  18. What SusanB said above.

    In fact, it's perfect that ENTy put Ashton and KimK in the same post because I think they have both recently made the exact same mistake... grossly under-estimating the intelligence of America and grossly over-estimating their own popularity.

    These two belong together.

  19. umm Ashton's posting again on twitter *ashamed to be his follower** and Kim K a whore media or otherwise.

  20. People seem to always forget these odd little tidbits - right after Kim got engaged and started flashing her ring, there was a story that made the tabloids rounds about how she bought that ring ago and they posted pictures proving it. Now it comes up and people are like omg! She might have already owned the ring!? Yes, there are pap photos of her wearing it in 2007.

  21. Anonymous4:37 PM

    It pissed me off how Ashton was quick to criticize the backlash he got on Twitter and talked about it's intended use (quick comments, etc.) when he's one of the orginial fuckwads we have to blame for Twitter. He thought he was above reproach but the monster he worked hard to create turned on him.

    Is that Reggie Bush in that picture? Dang!

  22. "The past two days I have tried to make the site a little more Kutcher and Kardashian free."

    We noticed, and appreciated it! :)

    Ashton never said he was quitting, he said his pr people are going to vet his tweets before they go live. When he said he didn't know the whole story before he tweeted, what he meant was, he didn't read enough comments to realize where public opinion lay. Dumbass.

    Has Jonathan Jaxson quit being a publicist? 'Cause I really doubt anyone would hire him after this!

  23. Ashton & Kim may just end up together creating a Super Dumb, Super Reality show! Can you imagine?

  24. Princess I remember the whole ring tidbit. People tried denying up and down and all across de-Nile River that it wasn't the same ring. I also hate myself for even commenting TWICE on Fraudashian. Shame on me and shame on this boring Saturday night I'm having. *sigh

  25. i have never thought of ashton as attractive. this week a friend of mine referred to him as eye candy and i thought, "really???" guess i'm the only one that doesn't think of him that way.

    how embarassing for kim. and i was thinking this week, that only on a soap could a person get married and divorced in 72 days and that's accepted ^^. looks like the kardashians are about to go the way of the hilton sisters. (thank god). we'll be on to yet another family of media whores in no time.

  26. @Me. I agree. Never saw Ashton as attractive. It's like his head's too small for his gangly body or something, and his face looks like a boy's, not the adult male he's supposed to be.

  27. This pic pretty much sums up Reggie Bush and Kim Kardashian, with he attempting to improve on his physical talent, while she literally hangs on to him and mugs for the camera.

    No sexual innuendos are needed. All one needs to do here is wait for Kim to draw in another unsuspecting victim, then go up to that guy, hand him this photo and say, something to think about, savvy?

  28. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Ashton is ooogly, he seriously looks like a retard. What is his appeal, anyone care to explain?

  29. just came from the grocery store, one of the gossip rags at check out shows the kardashian sisters on the cover w/ the caption, "America's Fakest Family". bahaha. think it was "in touch".

  30. @Me - I saw the same thing last night. Karma!

  31. I'm hoping for a permanent moratorium on the K Klan. Talentless and boring fame whores.

    Also, I don't think Ashton is good looking, particularly when his hair is short. Lack of hair really shows off his bad bone structure.
