Sunday, November 20, 2011

Another Night In Vegas For Prince Harry

Making it a weekend in Vegas, Prince Harry headed to bed about 5 hours ago. Apparently he learned what everyone loves about Vegas compared to other places you can gamble, free drinks. After seeing "O" at the Bellagio, but not jumping in the fountain, Prince Harry played some blackjack and lost about $300, but discovered that you get free drinks while playing. Strong ones too. They want you drunk so you gamble more. All it does to me is make me hungry, so instead of gambling, I head for a buffet. After losing at blackjack, he headed to XS nightclub and stayed until 4am. Now that he has experienced Vegas for the first time, you know he will be back. He seems like the kind of guy who would love to go all the time if he lived close enough.


  1. there were also Ernest Borgnine and Christian Bale with his family at Las Vegas this week-end (but not together)

  2. good for Harry he has every right to have a good time on London's tax payers money and give it to us.

    At least he really did serve in the army and went over to Afghanastan i'll give him that.

  3. He's in this country for advanced Apache helicopter training, so it's not all fun and games, he's just having a weekend off. You have to like this guy, he seems pretty normal all things considered. And his army mates like him, so he must be okay.

  4. He seems like a nice kid and he's doing active duty, not just a symbolic job - have a good time here Harry!

  5. I agree with the others comments - Prince Harry does seem like a chill guy. Different from William but they both seem to be so level-headed in their own way.

    Good for him for getting into the Vegas spirit!

  6. I wonder if he squeezes toothpaste onto his own toothbrush? (Isn't Prince Charles rumored to have never done that for himself? Boggles the mind...)

  7. If I saw Prince Harry in Vegas, I would love the place more than ever. He is cute...

    I wonder if Michael K boarded a plane to stalk him there this weekend? ;-P

  8. @Mango..I heard Diana was most intent on NOT raising the children coddled like their father..Hence their decidely down to earth natures.

  9. I went to a Just For Laughs comedy show - "Best of the British" this past weekend. One of the (black) comedians was talking about the time he was invited to the palace and met the Queen and the other royals, and said he was most turned off by Prince Harry, who actually told him he "didn't talk much like a black fellow!" Kind of disappointed in Harry, I am.
