Monday, November 28, 2011

Anne Hathaway Gets Engaged

After her last relationship ended up with her boyfriend in prison, Anne Hathaway said she was going to take some time off from dating. She took about two weeks off and three years later is now engaged to Adam Shulman. This morning her rep confirmed to Kneepads that Anne is engaged after Anne was spotted wearing an engagement ring yesterday in New York.

Her ex-boyfriend was convicted of 14 counts of money laundering, conspiracy and wire fraud and someday I would like to know exactly what Anne knew and what she did not know and if she helped the feds make the case or if she was involved at all. Most of that kind of got swept under the rug back in 2008. I would like to see the rug lifted just a bit.


  1. No matter her past. I read somewhere (about 2 or 3 years ago) that she did help the feds, that she gave all the jewelry, emails and letters to the prosecution.

    Good luck, be happy.

    But... Isn't she the Lainey blind about having an affair with Christian Bale? Maybe that made her realize what a catch her man truly is!

  2. This is not a good idea, she had an affair with Christian Bale while shooting Batman...
    It won't work, if he's not enough for her won't get better.

  3. His mouth is tiny, hers is huge.
    That is all.

  4. @RenoBlondee,
    Then their kids' mouths should be normal size. Hopefully.

  5. @Rita...Yes, she cooperated and I don't think she was implicated in anything. I hope she is happy, but I remember a few years ago that there were major lesbian rumors about her. It seemed like she was then seen out dating men all the time. Some of these men are bad choices so I hope she finds what she wants.

  6. Good luck to her, even though she kind of annoys me. In her defense with her ex, I've dated a complete sociopath, if they're GOOD con men, it takes a while to figure it out. Kind of embarrassing when you finally do :S

  7. @Cheryl - Well, if we are to believe all these blind items: aren't most actors at the least bi? Why not Anne Hathaway as well:)

  8. Anne has her own money I don't think she was complict in any of his crimes. Which according to him was just trying to keep Anne up in the lifestyle she was accustomed to.

    I'm sure Adam is a good guy, will make a great house husband and take care of the kids when she is working. Just hope that pre-nup is solid.

  9. ...what RocketQueen said.

  10. RQ and AKM - you might want to check out Aftermath. It's helped me.

  11. her man looks like the son of Mark Zukerberg and Ryan Gosling and happy for them

    i don't buy the Lainey story on a Bale/Hathaway affair(Batman boning Catwoman? OF COURSE!what do they with their partner who were with them in London?)
    for once that a Nolan's filming was very friendly!Every actor seemed to enjoy to work with each other(there were so many pics since may on SHH forum)

    NB:Hathaway's boyfriend also produces her next movie

  12. Do you guys remember the blind about the girl gushing about her guy all the time in the media but was secretly cheating on him? Everyone thought it was about her.... Or is that the one that everyone refers to with Christian Bale?

  13. I like her, wish her well. And I agree with @RocketQueen, a good sociopath can fool you for quite a while.

  14. I'd like to believe Anne helped where she could & didn't have anything to do with the ex.

    I didn't know she'd dated this guy for three Congrats, Anne.

  15. I can't imagine Anne ever risking her figure just to have a baby.
