Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Ali Lohan Does Not Know Her Mom Very Well

I'm not sure Ali Lohan has been interviewed since that disastrous reality show she had with her mother and brother. In that show she played a spoiled diva who though she would record an album in about 30 minutes and could not understand why she had to keep singing for longer than one take. It turned out to be too hard for her. Plus she was not that good. Anyway, Page Six Magazine decided to interview her and asked Ali about all those plastic surgery rumors. Ali said, "Because, like, when would I do that (surgery)? I'm 17 years old. That's not legal! I would need my mother's signature, and do you think my mom would sign off on that? No! It's not the right thing to do."

OK, First of all Dina would sign off quicker than Lindsay can snort a line of coke and steal your purse if there was some kind of payoff for Dina. Does Ali really think her mom would not sign? Please. Think Lindsay's breasts are real? How old was she when she got them? Dina will sign. If someone offered Ali $1M if she would get a nose job, Dina would already have the hammer out to break it.

Ali also says she does not do drugs. "I just say no [to drugs]. I'm lucky enough that I had my sister to learn from." So, is she saying Lindsay did drugs? No! Shocker. This is the same family who for years said Lindsay never did drugs. Remember those days? Do you think Ali has ever done drugs? Does that photo above remind you of Alexis Arquette in Wedding Singer?


  1. Wish Wayne Gretzky would adopt her! She seems so much more submissive and unassuming than her mother and sister. who are going to eat her alive if she ever achieves any level of fame.

    Poor girl.

  2. ** OK, First of all Dina would sign off quicker than Lindsay can snort a line of coke.. **

    Classic line. Simply classic.

  3. by the way Lindsay's breasts sag now I think they are real. Of course Playboy will photoshop her to death to perk them up.

    If anything she needs a breast lift at the old age of 25. Thanks to all her weight yo yo from the drugs.

    Ali is just following mother's orders and saying what she is told to say. I don't think her life will be as tragic as Lindsay. But hope she cuts the chord and breaks off from her mother. Dina needs to start earning her own paychecks and stop mooching off her kids.

  4. I met a waitress who waited on Lindsay a few days after her augmentation. She had her breasts done shortly after Freaky Friday. She was on medication and was groggy and actually told the waitress she had just had them done and was on meds so she wasn't feeling well and wasn't going to order any food, just sit with her family while they ate. I don't know how old she was at the time, but like I said, it was right after Freaky Friday had just come she was maybe 16.

  5. What do you mean Ali played a diva? She IS a spoiled brat just like all the Lohans.

  6. She looks so emaciated.
    If she was such a spoiled diva on that show that young, I doubt there's any hope for her what with her family being what they are.

    I always thought Lindsays' boobs were real too.
    Thanks for the scoop Crila.

  7. Good scoop, Crila. I believe it.

    Lindsay's tits absolutely CANNOT be real, because they stay the same perky shape and size no matter how much her weight fluctuates. Ditto Blake Lively.

    At least we know Scarlett's are the real deal. She's gotten so skinny that they've disappeared entirely.

  8. I think Lindsay's "saggy" breasts always look good. Sad about her accelerated aging above the neck. Remember when Ali insisted her sister is not gay just b/c she's best friends w Samantha? poor kid.

  9. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Yes, thank you, Enty! I saw that photo of Scary Ali and could NOT for the life of me put my finger on who she reminded me of! Alexis Arquette in full-on Boy George circa The Wedding Singer!

  10. Ali is only 17? She looks so much older. Hopefully, she will see the light.

  11. Thanks for the scoop on LL's boobs. Whoever did them I applaud their work. They do not look like bolt ons. Cannot understand why women get them done to look so absolutely fake. And THEN deny they were done. At least make it look real.

    Ali is tragically unattractive and does not even photograph well. I just cannot see a long term modeling career for her.

  12. Ali wouldn't look so old if she would cut off her split ends and get a hairstyle from this century!

    That picture looks like it's from 1988.

  13. I kind of think Ali looks good in that pic. Considering she usually looks about 40, she kind of just ... looks like a regular nerdy teenager there.

  14. Poor, Ali. Waiting for her to come out with a tell-all book blasting her mom and dad.

  15. Unkind! Comparing her to Alexis Arquette. The kid is going to have to grow into that face, though. The awful hideous parent thing should stop pushing her into show biz. It's not for her.

  16. Oh please. Every member of this family is taught to lie to the media like it ain't no thang. Sorry, if your last name is Lohan, I can't believe a thing that comes out of your mouth.

  17. Clarifying: I don't think she's ugly. That really is a cruel thing to say about a kid, which she still is. It's just a face for an older woman and will look good on her when she gets older.

  18. Funny, when I saw that picture I thought of Marilyn, the 'pop star' from the 80's that dated Gavin Rossdale for so long.

  19. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Amartel, I DEFY you to watch The Wedding Singer and not be amazed at the likeness between Alexis in full-on Boy George gear and Ali in this photo. It's uncanny.

  20. I just wish I could remember the name of the restaurant. It was definitely in Long Island though. When the waitress told me, there were 2 other waitresses who confirmed, because they were there that day too. They said she was really sweet though, which surprised me more than her having a boob job.

  21. The only thing that keeps me from believing her is that her face looks fundamentally different from a couple of years ago. I'm no doctor, but I've never heard of bone structure changing as you get older.

  22. Agree she looks like Alexis but I totally forgot about Marilyn. She has that look too. That could make her a very successful model, based on most designers being gay and wanting their clothes shown on pre-pubescent girls since they most resemble boys.

  23. The thing that bugged me the most about the interview with Ali was when they asked her about drug use, she said "I've seen people do that that Lindsay". Do what to Lindsay? Force drugs down her throat? Lindsay did it to HERSELF and it's way past time her and her family start taking responsibility for their own actions, not blaming everyone around them.

  24. Oops I meant to say do that TO Lindsay.

  25. Poor girl is either delusional or a flat out liar.

    And I still say she looks like Pete Burns (from Dead or Alive) used to before he fucked his face up.

  26. Have to agree with timebob - Lindsay's boobs are way too saggy, and have been for way too long for her to have had a boob job.
    This reminds me of when everyone was saying Britney Spears had a boob job when she was a teenager - she had nothing but fat squeezed up into boob shapes, wonderbras, padding, and probably some chicken cutlets. But your opinion doesn't seem as believable unless you make people think she had one when she was young, thus meaning her mom was irresponsible - right?

  27. Okay, I get it. Alexis Arquette. It's the eyebrows more than anything. Still, she's 17 (going on 78). But still, 17. How would you have reacted to this kind of abuse at that age? I boldly maintain my profile in originality position that the parent/thing needs to back off the kid and stop pushing her into show biz.

  28. "That's not legal!"


    Her face is weird, I'm sorry. It wasn't before, but whatever surgery she did to it, it's weird now.

  29. @Sue Ellen Mishkey "The only thing that keeps me from believing her is that her face looks fundamentally different from a couple of years ago. I'm no doctor, but I've never heard of bone structure changing as you get older."

    Bone structure actually does change as you age -- or, at least, the overall appearance of your face changes. The bones in your face become more pronounced when you lose all your baby fat. That said, I think she's lying, too.

    @Char "The thing that bugged me the most about the interview with Ali was when they asked her about drug use, she said "I've seen people do that that Lindsay". Do what to Lindsay? Force drugs down her throat? Lindsay did it to HERSELF and it's way past time her and her family start taking responsibility for their own actions, not blaming everyone around them."

    Jesus. I know. So sad that someone FORCED Lindsay to hold that crack pipe and inhale, right?

    Delusion runs in the Lohan family.

  30. Lindsay actually had 2 boob jobs. She had to have them redone because when they were first done they were placed far too high. I remember everyone commenting it at the time.
