Tori Seplling Rushed To Hospital For Headaches
For the past three weeks, Tori Spelling has been complaining about headaches that just will not go away. Over the weekend they got so bad that she was rushed to the hospital. Either that or she wanted to see if she could get an ambulance ride and hear them use the siren. I hate really bad headaches. Whenever I get one that is really awful, I know it is a brain aneurysm and I cannot be talked out of it until the headache goes away. I feel fortunate that I have never really suffered migraines but feel sorry for people who get them. I think about a bad headache I might get and then multiply that by 10 and not have anything you can do about it and I feel sorry for that person. It is kind of like we are helpless against headaches like that. Hangover headaches are one thing but these awful can't do anything except close your eyes headaches are just something that you have to live with until they end.