Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Tom Cruise Had A Dance Off

Over the weekend, Tom Cruise apparently went to the wedding of son of the founder of Oracle. I bet the food was really good. Larry Ellison is big on everything Japanese so I wonder if for his son's wedding he went with that same kind of thing and had sushi bars throughout the reception or if his son, after years of the whole Japanese thing went in a totally different direction and had maybe like Indian or hot dogs. I make myself hungry thinking about things like this. I can't help it. After so many weddings of my own you think about the reception food. I find it best if people just bring their own or get some of those 8 foot long subs from Subway. You would be surprised at the number of people they feed. Besides, if you get people drunk enough they don't care about the quality of the food and everything tastes like heaven at 2am when you are blitzed. That is why the thought of cooking a 15 pound turkey in a frying pan at 3am when you get home after drinking sounds like the best idea you have every heard.

Anyway, Tom was at this reception and he got in a dance off with some other guys at the party. No women were involved in this frivolity. And how exactly did this start? Tom was showing off some moves from Tropic Thunder or what John Travolta taught him when they actually spoke to each other? Did he issue a challenge? Was it more like when Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson went at it in a model off in Zoolander? Was Katie Holmes embarrassed? Is their video? Did Tom ever stop smiling? Did he have his big boy dancing shoes on?


  1. That picture embarasses me, I'm cringing just thinking about it.

    Tom is so deeply weird, and when were Tom and Travolta ever "friends"?

  2. I would have paid big money to see Tom Cruise in a dance-off. Big money.

  3. Was Katie even there ?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I find it even more embarrassing to read a blog where the ante-
    penultimate sentence was supposedly written by a LAWYER.

  6. I love this picture! The couple to the right who are pointing and laughing are just hysterical!

    Aly - lighten up girl

  7. Aly - you've obviously never worked for a lawyer. They are notoriously shitty spellers and it is their assistants who do most of the drafting.

  8. Please tell us whether this dancing was done nakedly with copious amounts of baby lotion.

  9. @Aly -- have you NOT NOTICED by now how Enty's posts contain a bunch of typos?

    WHO CARES if he's actually a lawyer? He's a blogger. It's a GOSSIP BLOG -- not the New York frickin' Times. Do you have NOTHING else to do?

    Are you one of Enty's ex-wives or something?

    Also, since you're obviously such a brainiac, it surprises me how you don't know that "antepenultimate" is actually one word.

    Anyway, back to the POST: why is Katie doing the Funky Chicken in that picture?

  10. I really love the couple who are pointing, laughing and taking video of sweaty, awkward Tom Cruise.

  11. A pants off dance off!

  12. The two people who are pointing and laughing looks like Taye Diggs and that girl from the tv show Girlfriends.

  13. I just noticed that Tom is all sweaty. Ewwwww!

  14. I'm totally confused. The picture shows Tom dancing with someone who looks like Katie. The blog entry describes it as an all male dance off... Is this picture not from the party? I'm on painkillers for my back. I'll chalk it up to that...

  15. LOL@big boy dancing shoes

    KLM, that is an old pic of katie and gay cruise lol

  16. I remember this pic also, I think it was the early days of Tom & KATE.

    I also love the "big boy dancing shoes" reference.

  17. Please say it was like the closing scene of Footloose. That would make my day. Where is the video of this?

  18. Do you love Tom's "Risky Business" haircut?

  19. If that photo is from the Ellison reception, it looks like it was held in a high school gym.

    Tom always looks like a mega-dork to me and this pic is no exception.

  20. I'm just wondering what the ulterior motive is, since he knows that anything he does like that is going to be all over the wires before he even gets back to his room. He doesn't seem like a let-your-hair-down kind of guy.

  21. Oh so funny! The post, the picture, the comments. I read for the moments like this.

    Aly- it's called black cohash/St. John's Wart-it really helps.

  22. Cheryl, I was just going to ask if it was a Pants Off Dance Off!

  23. If anyone is wondering what Tom looks like dancing, here you go:

  24. Oh dear... This photo makes me feel ill every time I see it. I could seriously use this as a form of contraception. It repulses me.

  25. I read this yesterday and I had a dream about Tom Cruise last night :(

  26. @Mooshki - You could tell the rest of the people on the stage were trying (some failing) to muffle their laughter. :)

  27. I love Tom Cruise. He seems like such a genuinely good person, regardless of his "religious" beliefs.
