Thursday, October 06, 2011

Taylor Armstrong Is Already Dating - What Do You Think?

In Touch is reporting that Taylor Armstrong was spotted at two separate parties this past weekend in Dallas with Matt Nordgren, that guy who is on Most Eligible Dallas. Considering that Taylor was set to divorce her husband prior to his suicide and that she was already dating other guys at that point, then I guess she was over her husband so now that he is deceased I guess there really does not need to be an actual mourning period. It still seems wrong though. I mean her daughter must be really confused about everything that is going on and instead of comforting her she leaves her back in LA and goes to Texas to hang out with this guy all weekend. If you are already in the process of getting a divorce and you have been dating, is it ok to start dating so soon after the death of your spouse or should you wait awhile?


  1. Why not, life is too short

  2. she can do whatever she wants, IMO. the one thing i'd say is she shouldn't introduce her daughter to every guy she goes out with, and i hope she isn't. other than that, she was so miserable for so long, i hope she's having some fun.

  3. She can't afford ($) to stay single

  4. i think the marriage was over waaaaay before the suicide. she's BEEN ready to move on. i don't blame her.

  5. If she is taking control of her life and attempting to find happiness in a healthy relationship I say more power to her.

    I agree that she hopefully isnt bringing any of the men she is causually dating home to meet her daughter so soon.

    I think single mothers should really only include the children when something is serious and has lasted more than 6 months or so. I grew up with a young single mother and I recall meeting myraid dates and I just dont believe that to be good as far as establishing a solid secure enviroment for the child(ren).

    But yeah, I actually think mourning periods are slightly archaic- especially considering the way he was treating her.
    If anything it would be fake seeming for her to have a quiet lengthy mourning period.

  6. And btw- good for her! Matt Nordgren is 28 i think and the guy she was dating before Russell died was 33! Taylor is 40.
    Cougar alert- awesome.

  7. Now, I'm very new to all this RHOBH stuff, but why the hell SHOULD she don some shroud and sit at home weeping if her dead husband was supposedly an abusive douchenozzle? She's not dancing or spitting on his grave. She's just moving on with her life, which is totally healthy and admirable.

    And as for her daughter: as a product of a divorce, I can definitely attest that a happier parent is a BETTER parent -- and if a new love can improve this woman's life, then I don't see why she should deny herself a positive experience.

  8. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Since widows no longer are required to throw themselves on their husband's funeral pyre, it's okay. The shocking thing to me here is that she would find someone so obviously desperate as to date her.

  9. i heard that Matt fellow is a total douche bag though-hopping on the fame train since his show will probably not have a second season.

  10. She is just gross. I do not care what her mouring period is/isn't. Something about her is just wayyyy off. And no, I am not talking about one eye being slightly larger than the other.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I don't feel she was ever sincere about the death of her husband. I really don't know if she was telling the truth about her husband. All I know was that she was ready to divorce him before he committed suicide.

  13. well, i dated right after my we seperated, BUT, my kids have never even known i was on a date. i go when they are with their dad. which makes it kind of different. i keep my private life VERY private, which she doesn't really have the option of....
    this seems to be kind of a poor choice, because her daughter is probably needing extra mommy time right now. i wouldn;t do it.

  14. Ew. This woman, but also the automatic nagging refrain about woman's empowerment like it's some sort of all-purpose justification for anything a woman does. Nobody thinks she should "wear a shroud" (oh, please, Drama) but is behaving with dignity, at least for the sake of the child, really that much to expect? And moving on to the next hapless mark/john/peter is not "taking control" of life, it's co-dependency and/or famewhoring. Obviously she's free to do as she pleases (duh) but consider not celebrating this person who sacrificed her family in exchange for fame.

  15. If she was dating someone before the suicide even occurred...? I think the marriage was over before that happened.

    I STILL think she's a shady character, in regard to the internet rumors/fraud charges.

  16. Oh, this show! I hated Taylor passionately until she jumped into bed with Kim after the drunken hot-tub meltdown. Now I kind of like her. I love Kim, and I adore Kyle, and I like the Maloof, and even Lisa sometimes seems sweet to me, in a Skeletor-meets-Joan-Collins way. (Ken has atrocious hair. Get that fixed.) So if Taylor wants to date, Taylor should date. Heck, are these women supposed to be icons of chastity?

  17. This is a really interesting article on the shenanigans she and Russell were up to. The woman is a grifter. And, from what the article says, odds are she has access to tens of millions that Russell stashed in offshore banks.

  18. I don't know who she is, but I've seen her photos quite a bit in the last few months. I find her "smile" disconcerting. Is she able to move her face?

  19. @Mooshki - That's one of the articles I read! She has no connection w/ her old life, changed her name, told people she was a member of the Ford family? Just so sketchy...

  20. I think all single parents should be very careful about dating, personally. It can do a lot of damage to the kid(s)...(as stated above - keeping nonserious dates away from your kids and such.)

    I honestly don't see how a truly dedicated parent can find the time to develop some relationship while focusing on their kid properly, particularly small children. There are other things to do...have a little patience and focus.

    (I say this as a single parent.)
