Tara Reid Hammered - Never Really Married
I am guessing that after three or four days of a bender in Greece, Tara Reid probably thought it sounded like a fabulous idea to get married. So she did and then sold the pics for a few bucks. Hey, you have to make a living. Then she remembered that she had to do that whole Celebrity Big Brother thing in England so did that and when she got finished forgot that she had got married. So, she did what any self respecting person would do, she got more drunk and decided that perhaps since she was going to be seen soon in American Pie 16 that she should find someone more her caliber. The she found out since she got married in Greece, but not here in the US it was like a free pass. Some laughs, some fun and made a few bucks. Not a bad way to spend the summer. I read between the lines of this incoherent rambling she gave to TMZ.