Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Steven Tyler Either Is Dehydrated Or Slipped And Fell In His Shower

Aerosmith is in Paraguay this week to play a show there. It is an incredible country and I think it is great that Aerosmith is dropping by to play a show. However that show is going to be delayed a day. The band was originally scheduled to play last night, but according to most reports, Steven Tyler slipped in the shower while trying to look at himself in the mirror the entire time he was lathering and fell and smashed his face and lost two of his teeth. Hey, he probably gets excited looking at himself. After four hours of emergency dental surgery, he was back in his hotel resting.

However, one of the organizers was obviously not given the dental emergency story so went with the tried and true dehydrated and gastrointestinal problems. "Yeah, Aerosmith is not going o play tonight because Steven Tyler cannot stay off the toilet long enough to play." Yeah, the dental surgery one sounds way more cool. Although at Steven's age you start worrying about falling down and breaking a hip or something. Note to Steven. Get a mirror for inside the shower.


  1. This guy can be 100 years old and I still would want to hit it. As long as I never hear that he kicks puppies/kittens, he'll always be one of the coolest cats ever.

  2. i like him, in theory...but he was so sqeevy/pervy during the AI auditions that it completely turned me off from watching him or the now he just kinda pings my dirty-old-man radar.

    *hands him pedialyte*

  3. They can say what they want but I'm guessing high/drunk.

  4. After falling off the stage and slipping in the shower I say that it is officially time for him to retire.

  5. Coulda been drunk AND slipped in the shower.

  6. Yeah, perhaps I'm just cynical, but I wonder if he's relapsed again.

  7. Bits of Moxy - I don't think you need to worry. When he was married to wife #2, their home caught fire. Story at the time was Steven ran back into the house to retrieve the family cat. I could say something about him chasing "kitty", but that would be crude...

  8. At least this fall wasn't on stage this time? :-/

  9. He looks just like Rachel Zoe in that picture.

  10. First thing that came to mind-

    Why is there a Macy Grey pic in a Steven Tyler story?


  11. I LOL'ed at that, Jasmine...but I'd still hit it.

  12. Well, that's why I don't drink so much these days. How do you get implants in 4 hours? Really - how?? First they have to create the metal thing to put in your jaw. They have to make the teeth. Then they have to attach the teeth to the metal thing. From what I've seen, thank goodness not me personally, it's just not a 4 hour deal. Seriously laughing about the pedialyte though!

  13. I think he rehab'ed after the stage fall but I don't think it stuck.

    Maybe made the insurers happier.

  14. Me too Maja...
    or maybe is Macy Grey Im really after???


  15. Give him a break! He's 87 years old; of course he's gonna slip and fall in the shower!

  16. I believe this story. I am probably naive but he may have had surgery because he injured his gums or some prt of his mouth and they were able to use the original veneers (you know his teeth arent real, almost everyone in Hollywood has veneers).
    Plus, falling in the shower is such an easy thing to do, especially as you get older, your balance gets crappier, and if you are in a hotel without enough non slip stuff in the bottom of the shower/tub.

    I can see this happening to me exhausted and dead sober. I don't think he could do the AI thing if he was not sober, i have never watched but i assume he seems able?

  17. I loves me some ST, but I fear he may have fallen (no pun) off the wagon.
    I hope not.
    I met him last year and he was so sweet to this fat 46 year old fan - he rocks!

  18. I liked his music until I listened to the Julia Holcomb interview. Now not so much an arrowsmith fan....

  19. I think we found Carmen Sandiego.

  20. You know the old joke about how old people and babies are the same. In this case, he "can't get off the toilet long enough to play," and ... it's just a very infantile image.

  21. Who's the nice old Jewish lady in the photo?

  22. Who's the nice old Jewish lady in the photo?
