Sunday, October 30, 2011

Snow In October?

When you see snow like this in October it makes you wonder whether the next six months are just going to be one snowstorm after the other for the northeast. Wasn't there record snowfall last year? I mean the clocks do not even change until next weekend, so basically it is snowing this crazy while we are just six weeks from people going on their Labor Day vacations. Whatever you are doing out there today, be careful and be safe. When you are carving snowmen instead of pumpkins you know it is a pretty snowy Halloween.


  1. Nice and sunny here in SoCal.

  2. We had snow all day but mixed with rain so it was slush all the way turning to sleet in the evening...and cold, murder walking the dog.
    Today is bright sunny and cold...UGH !
    Think we're in for a harsh winter..

  3. A cold front moved in on us last night and right now I am actually chilly at 78F.

  4. i think you're right MISCH (we may be near each other)

  5. The weather has been cold in Australia too. We are in spring, but last night I slept in my winter PJ's and had blankets on my bed. It is unbelievable that we have cold weather at this time of year.

  6. I'm not sure how we dodged the snow bullet but we've been lucky the past few years, it seems to snow more south of us lately - which is fine by me but a rude awakening for my southern neighbours.

  7. we just had some good old rain here in the Pacific Northwest. although i am predicting a more snowy winter for us based on some of the odd things i have been seeing this fall.(HUGE swarms of ladybugs, tons and tons of berries and mushrooms, a way larger than average amount of those fuzzy caterpillars...yeah, i'm a nature lover. time to go hug a tree!)

  8. have a friend in NJ. they have been w/o power since last night. trees and branches are down all over from the weight of snow. that's why i live in san diego...

  9. i'm right outside of philly and yea its just a mess. trees/branches down everywhere. power companies telling some people they may not get electric back for up to five days. it was nuts. luckily we only lost power for about 10 minutes. i have a feeling its gonna be a crazy winter.

  10. Up here in the Boston area (or at least in my neighborhood), we lucked out--we didn't lose our power at all, and we only got maybe 2" of snow, at least 1/2 of which has already melted. Lovely and sunny today, but still cold and very windy. I don't know what the rest of the winter is going to be like, but I'm not looking forward to it...

  11. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Ain't snowing in Canada!!!

    But to all those that expect snow or it's possible your area could get snow, GET SNOW TIRES!!!!!!!! Not all season or chains or figure you'll be "careful," get snow tires.

  12. We still dont have any power where I live. Driving is also like an Obstacle course with all the fallen trees. Makes hibernating seem like a good idea.

  13. It snowed about 2 hours from where I live on October 1st. :(

    My mom read something awhile back that predicted that we were going to have a very, very harsh winter. :(

  14. All my friends put me on suicide watch Saturday night, even tho there was no accumulation. I pray for death. It was below freezing this morning.

  15. 15" at my house, trees down, wires in the road - my road is closed due to downed wires and trees. I won't have power at home until at least Friday. That's why I'm at work....

  16. We had snow in Virginia, which is crazy. I ended up getting mild frostbite on my hand* from where I was using a broom to get snow off my lilac bushes. Poor dears still had their leaves and were weighted down to the point of breaking.

    * I could only find driving gloves, which don't stand up very well in slushy snow.

  17. I am a transplant to CA from NC via NYC and I really don't miss the cold weather. NorCal may not have warm summers but then we don't have freezing cold winters. Feel for all those in the snow.

  18. Anonymous8:47 AM

    I'll take snow and a harsh winter over earthquakes, hurricanes, tsnumais, tornados, etc. Yeah it gets cold and snow can suck but it's rarely at natural disaster levels. We put on our snow tires and plan for it.

    Snow in parts of the US is more common now and cities and people are going to actually have to start planning for it and not being so surprised when it happens. Yes I know, it's freakish in October, but I mean throughout the winter. Cities need to update their infrastructure and augment their budgets to cover the cost of snow removal, icing roads, etc.

    I really have to get my snow tires on.

  19. First snow here in Calgary this morning. It's not sticking though.

  20. Lots of snow in NY/NJ. Downed power lines. A lot of people lost electricity. The snow was so wet and heavy. At least it's all melting quickly. We're supposed to be back up to 60 degrees by thurs/fri.

  21. It's a nice 72F in northern Cal. San Francisco is even clocking in at 70F. Love Indian Summer!
