Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sister Helen Prejean Marries Eva Amurri & Kyle Martino

Do you think that Sister Helen Prejean saw the invitation to Eva Amurri's Bachelorette party? These are questions I often find myself contemplating. Whether she did or did not she did find the time to marry Eva Amurri and her husband, soccer announcer, Kyle Martino. That has to be tough career to make it in. Soccer announcer. How many games are televised each week in America? What do you do the rest of the year? It is not like that short MLS career gave you a huge nest egg? The couple were married yesterday in South Carolina and was hosted by Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins who put aside their differences long enough to send off the woman they helped raise together. They had oysters and BBQ for their rehearsal dinner. After being to so many rehearsal dinners of my own and others I have to say the food at rehearsal dinners is always better than the wedding. I don't know if it is because it is a smaller amount of people or more casual, but I have way more fun at rehearsal dinners. It is probably because the booze is better too.


  1. It is an even tougher career when you are the absolute worst at your job, as he is.

  2. She looks so much like her mom in this photo!

  3. Makes me want to sing, "Let's do the time warp agaaaaaaaaiiiin!"

  4. Mmmmmmmmmmmm. Oysters and BBQ.

  5. Love her mom, can't stand her..

  6. She looks like her mother and not in a good way.

  7. I have no idea who he is but I think he's cute.

  8. This is slightly off topic, but she did an episode of Celebrity Ghost Stories at her boyfriend's parents' Charleston home (presumably where they were married). The ghost that (supposedly) haunts that house is a very famous murder case. They fudged a lot of the details of the case, which I thought was odd.

    I think Kyle used to play soccer. I don't know about his career aspects, but if his parents own a house on Tradd Street in downtown Charleston, that means they come from money. I think they'll be ok. ;)

  9. He used to play soccer for UVA, but I think he left his junior year. Stupid move.

  10. Can Sister Helen marry people? I guess this was not a Catholic wedding.

  11. Going OT w/Lelaina, if they own a home on Tradd, then he's an S.O.B. which in Chas. is a good thing -- It means he/his family live South of Broad. They could have annual property taxes that would cover the cost of buying a house in other regions.

    The house i lived in Chas. had servants' quarters that contained 4,000 sq. ft. if that gives you any idea what the main house was like. And there were separate buildings for the laundry and the kitchen.

  12. And it was haunted, with good reason.

  13. @elspeth - Was it downtown? I'm jealous! The only thing i could remotely afford when we lived there was in West Ashley. I miss Charleston. Just not the heat.

  14. Lelaina -- Yes, it was downtown. It started out as a fairy tale and ended up being a nightmare. But Chas. will always be home to me even if i'm not there.

    Strangely enough, Santa Fe is my other favorite place -- How someone could love the hot, humid Low Country as much as the high desert is beyond me ;-)

  15. @elspeth - I'm sorry to hear that. The humidity is what does me in. I'm going for a visit in January, so the weather should be perfect then. I might be able to handle a dry heat of the desert. I'm also starting to realize I really don't like rain very much so I guess I should not ever move to Seattle.

  16. Lelaina -- Don't know what happened, but i responded to your post about seven hours ago; it seemed to "post" but it's not here.

    The upshot of it was that i hope you have a terrific time in Chas. and hope you can post about it when you get back home. Love hearing Chas. stories!

  17. elspeth - Weird! Who knows about Blogger sometimes. What was your favorite restaurant there, when you lived there? I lived there for a year and visit a BUNCH but there are still about a 100 I haven't tried! :)

  18. Lelaina -- Lost another post. Can't go wrong w/Hominy Grill or the Peninsula Grill [pls. leave room for their coconut cake!]. E/M me at if you get a chance. Would love to hear your Chas. stories!

  19. @elspeth - I just emailed you! :)

  20. Lelaina -- Now i'm wondering about my 'Net connection; your e/m didn't come through + another couple of "lost" posts.

    Please e/m again @ if you get a chance. Thanks, e

  21. Henriette, I'm Catholic and I never heard of nuns officiating at weddings. I saw pictures from the wedding and both Susan and Tim Robbins gave her away, which I thought was nice since Tim helped raise her. Eva's biological dad was there, too. Eva looked beautiful and so did Susan.
