Friday, October 07, 2011

Selena Gomez And Justin Bieber Sharing One Bedroom

Apparently Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are not even going to pretend they are not hooking up. While in Brazil, the two teens are sharing a one bedroom suite. Granted, the suite is probably larger than my description made it sound considering it costs about $3k a night. Lets see, when I was 17 years old I am wondering if I made $3k in a year. I would much rather have them be as they are and not trying to hide what everyone knows is going on. That is one thing that turned me off about Britney and Justin back in the day when they were in their matching leisure suit days. The whole saving it for marriage thing was so disingenuous that it made you wonder what else they were hiding. No matter what happens between Sieber, they can always look back at this round the world crazy first puppy love kind of thing. Do you think they will get married? People would talk them out of it right? I wonder though when Justin turns 18 and is legal, if they might.


  1. Super rich famous teens getting laid-I don't care.

  2. What does she see in him? I just don't get that attraction. My teen daughters don't think much of him.

  3. In that photo it looks like his left arm has been amputated.

  4. enjoy it, kids. cuz the break-up heartache is going to be a b!tch.

  5. Patty - hugely famous with a degree of talent.

    Of COURSE they're sharing one bedroom suite. Rich, famous and 18 years old? I would be.

  6. RQ,
    Yeah, but as Lainey would ask...can you imagine him on top of you? blech

  7. i was getting laid at 16. i don't think this particularly a big deal. teens are going to have sex. and she's what, 19? whatever.....

  8. Yeah, a lot of 17 year olds are sexually active...I guess because these two are supposed to be role models it upsets some people. But at least they're in a relationship and they seem to be in love...of course they're gonna do it!

  9. Patty -ewwwwww! Why did you have to go there?! lol

  10. If Selena were 17 and Justin were 19, people would be FREAKING OUT, but since he looks like a stretched-out toddler, no one cares.

    I mean, I don't personally care if they're having sex, either -- I know tons of teens start early -- but the double standard still bothers me.

  11. I totally agree with you, Ida. If the ages were reversed, people would act like he was a sexual predator.

    I personally don't care if they're having sex either, but given how young their fanbases are, it would be nice if they were a little more discreet about it.

  12. Cathy, a lot of their fanbases are sexually active as well. I think it is so unfair to expect celebrities to be role models. How about children are raised to look at themselves and feel good about themselves. Any time you turn to someone else for guidance, you can easily be let down.

  13. Anonymous12:38 PM

    I totes believe that they share a bedroom. Where else would they get to have pillow fights, make crank calls, do each other's hair and makeup, put each other's hands in cold water, talk about boys, practice kissing with their pillows, and eat junk food in private? I just can't even imagine the Biebs gettin' jiggy wit it. No way.

    LOL at "stretched out toddler" by the way, Ida!

    Missed some of you while I was on holiday in Belize. Have to catch up on all of the Enty I missed!

  14. @feraltart - I'm pretty sure their fanbases are younger than that - I figured more like the 8-12 crowd, but I don't actually have kids/know any that like them, so I could be wrong.

  15. Is the Beibs wearing gold lam'e pants??? Hello Liberace!

  16. Sieber has a lot of money, so while $3k is a lot to spend on a's not like we should expect them to roll up to the Red Roof Inn or something. And them having sex should REALLY not come as a surprise.

  17. He's about the same age as whatsherfaceStodden (in fact, I think he's older), so there's your reverse situation right there, except her husband in his 50s. And I find that relationship WAY more gross.

  18. Agreed with Ida Blankenship. The double standard is frankly nonsense. If the ages were reversed they'd be calls for him to be locked up.

    I frankly don't care what people do (or don't) do in the bedroom.

  19. Double standard indeed. I think it would be interesting if SHE was arrested for statuary rape of a minor (where it does not matter if they are consenting teens).

  20. "since he looks like a stretched-out toddler, no one cares. "

    IDA FREAKING BLAKENSHIP- When I read that I gave a loud choking gasp laugh out loud- thats how surprisingly dead on I find this description!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FUCKING LOVE you for this.

    RQ- You bring up an uncomfortable point- I guess because Stodden looks SO bloody grown up, even though I know consciously how old she is, I never really made a connection like this.
    Looking at that pic of Sieber, yeah they are engaging in sexual shiz BUT it looks so young still somehow- as in NOT sleazy, NOT inappropriate, just more pure. To imagine that Stodden actually belongs in this age group and that she too could be in that car on a double date with someone equally as pure as the Sieber.....IS FUCKING MINDBOGGLING. You can really tell something is not right with that Stodden girl when you imagine her dating Bieber (which would be age appropriate) and then realize she is with someone more than a decade older than Bieber's FATHER.

    Shocking, sad, and more sad.

  21. I know there's a double standard, but it's not quite that bad. When Miley was dating Justin, people commented on it, but there didn't freak out that badly, and he was 20 to her 16. And if a 51 year-old woman had married a 16 year-old guy, people would be just as squicked out as they are at the Stodden disaster.

  22. i feel bad for these 2. they are children, (emotionally, experience wise) but they have adult responsibilities. that never leads to a good end. reminds me of LiLo, remember that people mag cover "young and in love" like the DAY she turned 18? she was staying at that hotel in LA she loves (marmount or something) and making out w/ her BF by the pool. then it blew up, and so did the rest of her life.

  23. Bieber looks so young that I can't imagine even kissing me.

  24. As young as they look, look at some of your pics when you were their age and sexually active. When I look at my 17, 18 year old pics and some of the college pervs I dated (I thout I was cool but, how gross to be in college and date a high school chick, I was not hot, just girl next door esque and I did not even sleep with them!) shudder, totally skeeves me out.
    These two, it makes sense as they are in the same biz, have similar responsibilities and don't feel an age difference, kwim? There is no line in the sand, like HS or University.
    If my daughter were old enough to be a fan of either and asked me about them sharing a room, I would tell her the truth. I would also remind her that sex does not make someone like you and if you are going to do it, think about whether you can face yourself and all your peers the next day and if the guy has been around long enough that you know you are more than just sex to him.
    I plan to be pretty blunt with both my son and daughter including the talk about no sex with drunk people or while drunk because you are impaired and there can be legal, health, emotional, etc consequences. I also plan to give them access to condoms pretty early.

  25. "but as Lainey would ask...can you imagine him on top of you?"

    Jesus, if you/Lainey are imagining a 16 y/o on top of you, we've got bigger problems here than Sieber fucking like every other teenager.

    And sorry Lainey, he probably wouldn't pic you either.

    I am sooo sick & tired of people making fun of this kid for well, looking like a kid. He's 17 years old! In a blink of an eye he'll be bald, haggard & have a ponch. (we'll all be saying then "Damn! He was sooo cute when he was young, he really hasn't aged well") Let the poor guy get thru puberty with a smidgen of understanding!
