Selena Gomez And Justin Bieber Sharing One Bedroom
Apparently Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are not even going to pretend they are not hooking up. While in Brazil, the two teens are sharing a one bedroom suite. Granted, the suite is probably larger than my description made it sound considering it costs about $3k a night. Lets see, when I was 17 years old I am wondering if I made $3k in a year. I would much rather have them be as they are and not trying to hide what everyone knows is going on. That is one thing that turned me off about Britney and Justin back in the day when they were in their matching leisure suit days. The whole saving it for marriage thing was so disingenuous that it made you wonder what else they were hiding. No matter what happens between Sieber, they can always look back at this round the world crazy first puppy love kind of thing. Do you think they will get married? People would talk them out of it right? I wonder though when Justin turns 18 and is legal, if they might.