Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Santa Claus Got Married Yesterday

Everyone thought Santa Claus got married on Sunday but it turns out it was Robin Williams. You would think that with all the excess hair Robin has all over his body that perhaps a beard is slightly overkill. I myself have gone the beard route on occasion. I do so because I have no hair on the top of my head and always hope for some type of magical transplant to occur during the night which sees all that beard hair appear on my head in the morning when I wake up. This usually occurs after I have watched The Santa Clause and had more than my fair share to drink.

Robin married Susan Schneider, who is a graphic designer. This is Robin's third wedding. Hopefully it lasts a lifetime. Seriously, will you look at that beard.


  1. If you look at the actual wedding photos published online, you will see he shaved the beard and had a goatee for the wedding. Jesus Enty, you're either getting lazy or dumb.

  2. I have seen him around NYC on his bike and he looks just like the fisher king character he played

  3. Here's a photo of him on his wedding day. http://www.bridalwave.tv/2011/10/actor-robin-williams-marries-for-the-third-time.html

  4. just watched "world's greatest dad" i loved it. dark comedy and not what u think. so good.

  5. Isn't the beard for his part on Broadway?

  6. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I think all his wives look alike.

  7. @Audrey - those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

    The "wedding day" pic is Mr. Williams & Ms. Schneider on the red carpet at the 2010 Creative Arts Emmy awards.

  8. I can't help but like him. A lot. Even tho he's nuts. Best of luck to him.

    Montana, Fisher King is one of my favorite movies. Not only because I've been lusting for Jeff Bridges for over 20 years!

  9. @ Dani - I stand corrected!

  10. I've always liked him and although I know I'm in a minority, although I don't like beards, I do like hairy men.

  11. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Ladies (or maybe just the Canadian ladies, I don't know), Movember is almost upon us. I like hairy men but the porn 'staches by November 30 are beyond horrible.

    My dad has dementia and for awhile, he refused to groom so for awhile, he had a beard like that. It's gone now but I guess my little niece remembers it (she's 20 months) because my mom just showed her a picture of Santa Claus and she pointed and said, "grandpa."

  12. ^^, cute :)

    i didn't remember that he and the 2nd wife divorced???

  13. Useless trivia of the day: Robin and daughter Zelda make small appearances in the video for Starship Cobra's latest song, "You make me feel".

  14. Anonymous8:25 PM

    @Audrey said: "Jesus Enty, you're either getting lazy or dumb".

    You suck. If you are going to pick on Enty, why don't you stop reading his blog and go kiss Perez Hilton's ass.
