Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pauly D Seems Pretty Normal

Pauly D is supposed to DJ a party in Greenwich Village at Pacha tomorrow night after riding on a float in the Halloween parade. You would think that with his success his rider would be out of control crazy. In fact, it is pretty simple and does not seem to have much ego in it at all. According to the NY Post who calls it "demanding" he wants a couple of bottles of liquor and some bottles of champagne to spray the crowd. There is no demand for it to be a certain brand and it seems reasonable to me. He wants to first class airplane tickets for himself and his companion and window or aisle seats for the other two people flying with him in coach. He wants to be met at the airport and a hotel with 24 hour room service which seems reasonable considering he works until 2am or so. That is it. Considering the crazy stuff artists and others ask for you almost feel like Pauly D should really add to this thing and go for some diva-esque kind of demands. You know, like people address him as sir and that he be surrounded by 20 Snooki look-alikes everywhere he goes.


  1. Maybe he's not as brain dead as he looks and realizes just how fleeting his fame (hopefully) is.

  2. I like him. Not ashamed.

  3. Admittedly, my only exposure to the Jersey Shore cast is from The Soup and occasionally when I watch late night talk shows, but he's kind of been the standout to me as the least obnoxious of the whole sordid bunch. That said, the whole business with wearing his hair like that needs to stop.

    Agree, that sounds like an extremely reasonable rider.

  4. Anonymous1:15 PM

    I don't watch JS but what I've seen in interviews, Pauly is the only one I would want to sit next to. He seems like a good guy. And he has an actual career outside the show.

  5. He can't afford his own liquor?

  6. Seriously, what's up with his hair?

  7. He's from the town next to my hometown and my sister knows him through friends. He still gets his hair cut at home. She says he's pretty down to earth and still just likes to hang out with his friends when he's back in town. Nothing crazy or extravagant.

  8. He has bigger crows' feet than I do. And I've got 10 years and 4 children on him. In short, lay off the tanning.

  9. Him & Vinnie are the most likeable, IMO.

    The only part of the rider I don't get is why they can't use the Jersey Shore logo?

  10. It's those two tufts of hair above the ears that bug me. It's like he's wearing a hair crown.

  11. It's an extremely reasonable rider.

    He's probably not allowed to use the Jersey Shore logo, either.

    And I think it's supposed to look like a hair crown - kinda cartoonish/anime.

    I've never seen Jersey Shore, honestly.
