So, if you are one of the occupy Wall Street people out there everyday, you would think the last thing on your mind would be appearing on Real World. Well, judging from the number of people who have e-mailed Bunim-Murray in the past two days you would be wrong. Despite what they claim, it seems that hundreds of protesters are jumping at the chance to appear on Real World 27. Bunim-Murray which runs Real World posted an ad on Craigslist specifically seeking protesters to send in their information for possible casting on Real World 27.
I thought the protesters were against corporate greed. So, why would they want to go work for one of the biggest corporations in the world and contribute to their bottom line? They would probably answer something like, "to help get the message out." See, I would believe that if you were Pedro Zamora, but since you are not, I am guessing that it is for the possible fame and all those Real World Challenges all over the world.
I hate to state the obvious, but in the footage I've seen and the interviews given by people occupying Wall Street, none of them seem to have jobs...so I'm guessing they have time for a reality show gig.
ReplyDeleteWhat exactly is their message? I'm not understanding their purpose with this.
ReplyDeleteRocketQueen I agree with you.
ReplyDeletePatty I am not sure. You see interviews with someone asking people questions, and they all give different answers.
But it did perk my curiosity when I heard some unions were getting involoved.
This will be quite interesting to see how many still protest when the weather turns colder. Lets see how many are out there fighting the cause then.
I don't think the Occupation Wall Street protesters have any idea what it is they are rallying against.
ReplyDeleteRocketQueen & Susan - ITA with you, based on interviews I've seen.
ReplyDeleteAnd no offense, but getting on the Real World is really not going to make me drop what I'm doing and listen to what you have to say. I think you are dead on, Enty.
I was watching the CBS evening news two nights ago - one of the "organizers" has decided to drop out of school (where he's completing a degree in Finance) to work with "Occupy" full-time. Anyway, they were saying that since the Wall Street sit-in began last month, they have collected over $250,000 in donations and are burning about $10,000 per day on sanitation, food and "other", like sleeping bags, but refused to open their books to show their finances. To quote Enty, "Uh huh." But you're fighting against corporations who won't share their funds, right? And for transparency? I can't take it seriously.
ReplyDeleteThe message is here, in the movie I am Fishead. www.FHmovie.com
ReplyDeleteWe have enough for everyone's needs, not everyone's greed. If you don't understand what it means to work for a corporate psychopath you should watch this movie. It is a new documentary embraced by Occupy LA. Check them out on Facebook.
Another thing that bothers me - they're getting tons of food donations - donations that should be to the homeless and starving IMHO
ReplyDeleteIt started out as something exciting, and now they just annoy the shit out of me.
ReplyDeleteWe have a generation of kids who have grown up with high expectations. Go to college = guaranteed job. The folks who graduated just a few years before them were getting $50k offers right out of school; now we have a ton of kids who can't get a job. THAT is why they are protesting, best as I can tell. The Wall Street part is because that is seen as the "man", the privileged adults who are focusing on their own needs and not those of a bunch of college students and young 20 somethings. It sort of reminds me of the pre-Thatcher years in the UK, where you also had a lot of youths with time on their hands because there weren't enough jobs. There was a lot of protesting then too (not to mention an awesome punk movement....hope the OWS folks get busy on that front!).
ReplyDeleteWe should be applauding them applying for a job, not criticizing them for selling out, no? The best way to turn idle youth into responsible adults is to encourage them to get a job. I don't get why Enty is criticizing them here.
I get annoyed with these Occupy people. They're (mostly) disorganized, uneducated, and are turning what could be a legit protest into a fucking love-in. The fact that they have no idea what they're talking about (at least the ones they've shown on the news) ruin their own cause with their ignorance. I mean, I saw one guy on the news railing about politicians, but when asked if he voted he said no. Well, fuck you then and get out of the park I take my dog to.
ReplyDeleteRant over.
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ReplyDeleteThe problem is that we're ignoring consumers who blindly racked up debt on credit cards and unrealistic loans. I truly believe that personal freedom begins with personal accountability. I don't buy shit I don't need / can't afford, plain and simple. When things were really dire during my unemployment, I stopped going out and shopped at the 99 cent store. I worked my ass off to finally land a job and am now almost out of debt. I'm getting tired of people expecting hand outs and never taking responsibility for their own actions.
ReplyDeleteThe other problem is that OWS is disorganized and no one will ever take that seriously. The idea is there, the execution is poor. If you're so pissed off, come up with realistic solutions - not idiotic things like $20/hr minimum wage and "Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment" - who is going to pay for this??
Well said, Smasherstein. I've seen similar signs and thought to myself, are you fucking kidding? Here in Vancouver people are camped out on the Art Gallery lawn with such signs, but our minimum wage is already over $10 (I think) and we have a FANTASTIC social system here in Canada....I know things are worse in the US...I'm just having a hard time having much sympathy for the people rallying here in Canada. Our banking system is totally different from the U.S. and that protected us greatly when the U.S. system crashed. No bail outs here.
ReplyDeleteThis whole Occupy Wall Street is so stupid. We have a group of protestors here at the State Capitol (California of course) that when asked what it was that they were protesting none of them could say. The "leader" actually said that he wasn't sure what the message was but that someone at the National Level would be letting them know in a few days what the message was. Really??? These dumbasses are out protesting something that they don't even know? I hope they don't think that they look smart for doing this because they all look like they've hit the bong way too many times in the last hour. Idiots!!!!
ReplyDeleteGoing off of one of Smasherstein's points, I hate when people/students bitch that they are in debt, have credit card bills/student loans up the wazoo and yet INSIST that they must have the new iPhone/latest electronic gadget. I know everyone tends to spend $ on something new and shiny once in a while, but it's like once every few months people just HAVE to go out and get the latest $700 phone because you can watch Netflix on it and if they don't get it they will DIE.
ReplyDeleteSmash you made a lot of great points, I just wanted to add my 2 bitchy cents to one of your points. : )
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ReplyDeleteI live in NYC and have seen the protestors. They're mostly young newly graduated college students who can't get a job for what they went to school for (no jobs out there), and they won't take the jobs at the McDonalds, etc because it only pays minimum wage...so they're protesting against Capitalism and the bail out money that the government had been giving them. 1/2 of them don't even know what they're protesting for and they're looking at it as another Woodstock. Personally, they're just making a mess of the park. Protesting on Wall St won't get them anywhere. They need to take it to Washington DC.