Monday, October 31, 2011

Not Just For Halloween

In what could possibly be the scariest Halloween costume of all time, Doug Hutchison brings out his inner freak and what happens inside his house to the public. This is Doug pretending to dress like his wife Courtney Stodden. I think this is probably Doug's alter ego that he brings out way more often than Halloween. He is looking way too comfortable in that outfit which is conveniently all the exact size for him. Forget about Paranormal Activity 3 or seeing Paris Hilton in a grocery store, this is the scariest thing I have seen all week.


  1. Of course he is carrying the sugar daddy and she has the phallic symbol in her hand. If we are going to have porn on the site again, can we please get full frontal Friday back again?

  2. Fucking Brilliant! I really thought it was Courtney with her mother!

    The perv has obviously a twisted sense of humor, and NO matter what he says, he is obviously trolling gossip sites, for only those have talked about costuming like his little trampy wife.

    That being said, ewwwwwww.

  3. LMAO!!!!!
    He was just DYING to come out and dress up! I know it!

  4. I dunno, he looks kinda hot in the top photo. Note the beginner heels.

    You know, even weirdos and creeps are allowed to have a little harmless fun. Especially at Halloween.

  5. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Funny, just yesterday someone commented somewhere that Courtney and Doug look alike, then I pull up this today, and at first glance I could not tell which one was Courtney. He is too good at this. Methinks he practices.

  6. That's actually really funny.

  7. Anonymous7:38 AM

    He and Jennifer "Cool"-idge can be twins next year.

  8. I think it's funny as shit. And I, too, assumed that was her mother posing with her.

    Courtney's situation is mega-disturbing, but at least she entered into this marriage willingly. I place more blame on her parents than I do Doug.

    That said...what's HER costume supposed to be? Just another young girl dressing up like a whore on Halloween, I guess. If she really wanted to shock us, she should have covered up and gone as a some Amish chick on her way to a barn raising.

  9. Why do people think Halloween is for dressing like a prostitute? Sexy cop, sexy zombie, sexy maid, sexy __________... Wonder what the stats are for sexual assault on Halloween weekend?

    I'm officially more creeped out than I was before (about C&D).

  10. Does anyone know if this marriage is real-ish or just for publicity? I mean I know they are all about publicity, but I wonder if they're really "in love" or just basically roomates. Do they do it? Sorry for the visual people!
    They just fascinate me in such a morbid way! Ugh!

  11. Gross.

    She's too young to do anything willingly. Isn't her brain about 12 years old?

  12. I kind of love it too. I mean, everybody dresses up like a slutty something these days, you might as well go Full Stodden, right?

    It makes me take him a tad more seriously for some reason.

  13. Wait - that's a GUY? UGH.

  14. i'm not an advocate for murder-suicide..but in some cases...

  15. Maj, LOVE the "Full Stodden" comment. You need to submit that to Urban Dictionary, STAT!

  16. I'm gonna get flak for saying this...but this actually endears these freakos for me!

    I find this really funny and I like that he and they together can poke fun at themselves. I mean, who in H'wood is NOT a caricature of themselves at some point?

    However, I would not want to lick nor smell that giant lolly thing she's holding...

    (ha ha haaaaa, gross!)

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. These two + her mom - marry/bone/kill?

  19. Oh Myyyy I thought that was her mom LOLOL

  20. I can't decide which one is uglier.

  21. I am just glad I am not the only one "eeked out" by the giant phallic lollypop

  22. That is hilarious!

    I thought he was her mom at first glance as well.

    Plus he is holding the giant "sugar daddy" at least he knows his role. I bet she calls him daddy. Mwahaha!

    Let your freak flag fly! That is what Halloween used to be all about but now it is all sex appeal. Ugh. I am usually a witch, with long skirts and bell sleeves. This year I am a pirate in pants, boots, coat etc (for the kids).

    When did this "must be a sexy x, y, z thing start?

  23. I totally agree. If he was dressing as her, he would have her hooker shoes. Why wear those granny things - unless they've been in his closet for the past 10 years....

  24. disgusting perv. they're both just gross.

  25. And now I can't read this blog anymore since seeing those images has rendered me blind. Gah.

  26. LOL! I'm ashamed to say I love this hot mess of a couple. Why? They are the embodiment, or rather, the ultimate caricature of all the phoniness, desperation for fame along with the blonde bimbo stereotypes that have been shoved down our throats for the past several years. I think this one might open people's eyes to how ridiculous parts of our pop culture have become. Then again, maybe not.

  27.'s really kind of amazing though...I mean things rarely widen my eyes anymore and this did. LOL.

    I must say, I agree with selenakyle!

  28. It's about time he finally came out. My god .. this guy pegs my gaydar like a MF!

  29. He even shaved his legs!

  30. These two are disturbing, but they crack me up with their sheer ridiculousness. I almost look forward to seeing what crazy shit they do next.

    And I think it's fucking PRICELESS that they their marriage outlasted that of She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Ha!

  31. LOL @ beginner heels.

    I was trying to figure out WHAT Courtney was dressed as. According to US Weekly, she went as a sexy cheerleader.

    Are they getting a reality show?

  32. I don't think Courtney is in any costume. That is her everyday look.
