Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Michael Lohan Arrested For Domestic Battery - Again

At this point Michael Lohan and Lindsay Lohan are in a race to determine who can get arrested the most. Early this morning, Michael Lohan was arrested in Tampa Bay. Apparently he and his live-in girlfriend. Wait hold on right there. Someone agreed to live with Michael Lohan. Voluntarily? The same guy who is running a perfect 4 for 4 of battery charges on his last four girlfriends? I mean when you go out on a date with him you might as well just pick a date right there that you will be calling the police after he beats you. When he was arrested, he complained of chest pains so the police took him to the hospital first. Probably wondering how many stories of Lindsay he is going to have to sell to pay for his legal bills. (Thanks Pam)


  1. what a waste of flesh.

  2. his ass might stay there for awhile....those judges in Tampa do not play around

  3. Coming on the heels of hearing about Lindsay posing for Playboy between morgue shifts, wow, can't imagine what started her descent.....
    I wish people needed a license to have kids.

  4. PLayboy whahhhh? u got a link to the story?

  5. Could they please put this guy away to keep everyone else safe? He does not belong out in society. It's sad Lindsay doesn't understand her family is not normal. She needs to stop supporting them all and get her life in order.

  6. Here's a question for you, will Lindsay and her mother go to Michael's funeral?

    I'm guessing with his lifestyle choices and bad ticker, he'll die before 2014. I can't wait to see how Lindsay and White Oprah respond. They'll be selling stories left and right, milking it for all its worth.

  7. What a family...

  8. @bloodonthescreen LOL I was hoping people here knew more, they were talking about it on the radio this AM (sports radio but they seemed interested, go figure ;) ) as a going on now so I'll search around they said she got between 750k and a million.

  9. And that is chump change to Lindsay, won't last long.

    For ordinary people like us, we would invest some put some down on a house or apartment, pay off student loans, college fund for the kids....
    For Lindsay it will last 6 months to a year but I doubt it will go that far.

  10. @MISCH Shawn Chapman Holley is probably very pleased. Now she can get paid.

  11. Okay TMZ has the story about Lindsay in Playboy on the front page under the one about her father. Good juxtaposition.

  12. thx guys! i am prepared to puke. that money will be gone in 6 months. meanwhile I am shopping for food at the dollar store.

  13. @bloodonthescreen - me, too. Never thought I'd be in this position. It's not good food, either.

  14. Argh, I hate when I write a long note and it doesn't go through. I think blogger sometimes times out when posting a response?

    - this was probably LiLo's last chance to get big Playboy $$. After this, her body will be wasted away from meth
    - Why doesn't LiLo's mom ever get arrested?
    - The Lo's (not to be confused wtih the Ho's) won't go to MiLo's funeral - unless someone pays for photos. Like giddy wall street traders, with the Lo's you need to follow the money.

    My theory: LiLo is going to overdose next year, at age 27. She sees herself as a martyr, like her idol Marilyn Monroe.

  15. He's a real shaddy character. From what I read on another site, he complained of "chest pain", so he was taken to the hospital where he TRIED TO SNEAK OUT! A cop caught him and took him back to the station.

    They said last time he was arrested he also complained of chest pain. He's angina always seems to act up at the most convenient time.

  16. Yeah, it's the same girlfriend who keeps calling the cops on Michael. Kate Major. Who has the most mug shots, Lindsay or Michael? I'm guessing Michael because he has been visiting jails for many more years.

    If Dina contacted the tabloids about the Playboy shoot, I don't believe the $1 million amount. She has been known to exaggerate. Playboy has been going downhill for years, so if they feature Lindsay, is it art or porn?

  17. I thought he had pulled the "chest pains" stunt before! These people are such white trash.

  18. JJ, obviously it's a photo op. ;) Although I don't believe Lindsay will outlast her father.

  19. This guy is the epitome of loser. And just a few days ago, some of us readers were fooled into thinking he was rational. Hah!

  20. what would dr. drew do?

  21. Betcha he's upset because he can't figure out how to get a piece of the Playboy fee.

  22. Baha! Speak for yourself, Susan :) This guy is a violent famewhore, always has been, always will be. With as hopeless an outlook as his daughter. Colour me unsurprised at this latest arrest. And what's the deal with Kate Major? She has a real hard-on for losers. Jon Gosselin was actually a step up from Michael Lohan.
    I also read on TMZ that this violent fight started as a result of her refusing to give a blow job. Um...between this loser and Mel Gibson, I'm wondering what it is about blow jobs that makes men turn violent. Are they that incredible??

  23. Enty, you left out the part that the live-in is KATE MAJOR, the one who has accused him of this in the past, as he has also accused her of d.v. Also, didn't they both try to get restraining orders?

    You also left out the part that Michael tried to slip out the back door of the hospital, evading his arrest ... idiot. Cop saw him and rearrested him - in his hospital gown.

  24. Oh, and was it Kate Major or other girl, whose naked photos taken by Michael while she was asleep/passed out, circulated in the Internet? What the hell is she thinking living with him?

  25. I've seen a picture of him at the police station being patted down while wearing a johnny--funny!

  26. Ooh, I'm so glad he tried to escape custody, and in a state other than California! His ass is grass!

  27. I know this will be very hard to believe, but Michael's excuse was that it was Kate's fault.

  28. I wonder if LiLo dropped Ms. Taylor to avoid paying her a percentage of the Playboy payment?

  29. Elspeth, interesting thought! Didn't news of Taylor being dropped come out *before* the Playboy announcement?

  30. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Milo. Hadn't heard the Milo name before. That's funny. Milo gives creepy a bad name.
