Monday, October 31, 2011

Mel B's 12 Year Old Daughter Files Battery Report Against Her Dad

Four times a month, Mel B's 12 year old daughter Phoenix, from her marriage to Jimmy Gulzar goes and sees her dad. Well, when she went to see him on October 11th, things got so bad that the police had to be called. When it was time for Phoenix to leave on the 11th, her dad grabbed her arm and would not let her leave the house. After several hours, the police were called to come over and enforce the court order. At that point, Phoenix's dad finally gave in and let her go. When she was released, Phoenix was a mess and shortly after filed the battery report against her dad. These kinds of situations happen everyday all over the world and most of the time everything works out, but every so often something tragic happens. It will probably be quite some time before Phoenix is alone with her father again. I know I would be scared to let her go over there again. Anything like this ever happened to you?


  1. I am sure Mel B will go to court to have his privileges taken off or supervised.

  2. I kind of hate that there's a pap picture of this child -- alone, without her "famous" mother. Yuck.

  3. Me too, Chopchop. Mel B has not been very lucky with her children's fathers, has she?

  4. What a brave kid. My heart goes out to that little girl.

    My mother had an abusive live-in boyfriend when I was six. My dad had primary custody (thank fucking goodness), but I visited her a couple of times each month. The BF got violent with her one time while I was there, and she told me to run to the bathroom with the phone and call the cops. He threatened to beat me too, so I just waited it out and relayed the whole story to my dad when he picked me up later that afternoon. Needless to say, I didn't see my mother for a while -- not until she successfully dumped the asshole boyfriend.

    My mother was in a terrible relationship, sure, but in retrospect, it really angers me that she even put me in that situation.

  5. I've recently been watching that Mel B reality show, Phoenix seems like a really cool kid! And as even though that show is obviously "E-reality (so not reality at all...) Mel B does seem like a really good mom though and I'm sure she won't let something like this go down again.

    Ida sorry for your experience, thats def not something a child should have to try and process.

  6. No child should be put in this situation. There are some great recommendations on therapy for trauma victims at the PTSD site to make children feel safe again, in any situation including something like this. I hope someone helps her. She is so young for this.

  7. So so sad - and detrimental - that this young girl's personal hardship is made public. She's a minor, and she should have been kept anonymous in the police report. This is f*cked up.

  8. Does Eddie Murphy even see his kid with Scary Spice, Angel? That whole thing was toned down.

  9. What a pretty little girl! LOVE her hair. Hope she can one day have a healthy relationship with her dad, poor little thing.

    Oh, and cute puppy wup :D

  10. My family is very far from normal but I am lucky in that nothing like this has ever happened.

    Poor Phoenix. I wonder what caused the dad to flip out? Does he have a history of this?

  11. had a similar weekend. one child called 911 during their weekend visit w/ their dad because he had been screaming at her, and another child took a video of it and emailed it t me. the video shows dad screaming and ranting and gleeful at his childs tears. she is curled up in the fetal position on her bed begging him to let her come home. dad suspected the video was being sent to me and grabbed the iPhone away, then saw it had in fact been sent to me and started yelling "YOU JUST COMMITTED A FATAL ERROR" at them, over and over.the police asked him to let them come home, he refused. they asked him to skip this coming weekends visit. he declined (he gets 1st, 3rd and 5th weekend). police told my kids that because he didn't physically hurt them there was nothing they could do.
    while they were on the phone w/ 911 dad was at the door ( they were locked in the bathroom), pounding on it and saying things like "i know you're talking to mommy. i know EXACTLY what you are doing. when you come out of there you are in SO much trouble." so it was all recorded.
    one child missed school monday and i took her to her therapists in her pj's (second time in a row following visitation). another child threw up at school twice and had to come home (last visit it was 7 times).
    my kids hate their dad. he's an abuser. he's thrown them each across the room (admits this), punched them, shoved, hit, kicked, slapped them. the court does exactly jack shit. the courts like to pretend that every parent is parent of the year and deserves another chance. always another chance. its bullshit! in january there is a new law in california saying that kids over 12 can be consulted on visitation. one of my kids will be old enough to say she wants no more visits.

  12. Me: I'm so sorry for your children
