Mariska Hargitay Trying To Break Angelina Jolie and Rosie O'Donnell's Adoption Record
For the second time in just six months, Mariska Hargitay and her husband have adopted another child. They are currently tied with Madonna and at this rate, they will catch Angelina and Rosie for the celebrity adoption record sometime within the next year. After that, who knows how far they can go. I am only counting adoptions here. Rosie and her former spouse did have a fourth child together but it was via artificial insemination, so that is not going to count. They also were going to adopt another child, but the state of Florida took her away from the couple because they are gay.
Apparently Mariska and her husband thought the second round would take as long as the first, but was approved within a week of completing her application. I guess once they approve you for one child then it is pretty easy after that? I have no idea how the adoption process works.