Marie Claire Has Love Fest For Working Mom Katie Holmes
I don't know why I do it. I don't know why I ever read any interview with any subject in a monthly magazine. Articles are fine, but interviews are just awful. Because the magazine only comes out once a month, it means they really need to kiss ass in a way that has never been seen to make sure they get the biggest stars they can to sell as many issues as they can for that one chance per month. As a result, you get lines like this in the latest issue of Marie Claire.
"It is true that Katie has a more innocent outlook than I do, more innocent than most in this excessively hip local spot. She seems truly unaware, for example, that even while we have been sitting here, she has single-handedly stolen the heart of everyone in the restaurant."
I will at least give credit for coming up with a new way to kiss ass. Stolen the heart of everyone? Excessively hip local spot? Do these people have editors?
Think that is bad? Wait until you read this next one.
"She stands and crosses the room to get a bottle of ketchup, and even the hungriest customer stops to stare. In jeans, high-heeled black leather ankle boots, and a khaki button-down, a tiny ripple of diamonds around her neck, she looks the quintessential movie star. Her dancer's figure and Empire State Building legs literally stop traffic — just ask the hordes of photographers who follow her every move.
She returns with the ketchup and settles into the booth. Part Bambi, part Ali MacGraw, Katie and her massive doe eyes, rosebud cheeks, and darling smile have everyone in the restaurant down for the count."
I honestly expected the next line to be that when she stretched, she accidentally parted the Red Sea.
The interview is written by the director of The Romantics and she is clearly trying to get Katie to do something else. In the online version you are stuck with that sugary sweet stuff from above, but I have seen the rest of it and it does not get any better. Oh, the best part is when Katie goes on and on about how she is a working mom and it is so hard to juggle a career with being a mom and it made me sick. It really did. Yes, she works. Yes, she is a mom. Now tell me how with a million nannies, bodyguards, hotel staff, tutors, private jets, helicopters, drivers and so many other things that you are stressed out as a working mom. You don't even work that much. This kind of thing makes me so ticked off. When you think about all the single parents out there in the world or couples who have multiple jobs to make ends meet and juggle raising children and then Katie says what she did.