Lisa Irwin's Mom Fails Lie Detector Test
Deborah Bradley, the mother of missing 10 month old Lisa Irwin, was on Good Morning America this morning. While on the show she said that police have told her that she failed a lie detector test and that she is now a person of interest in the investigation. As a result of what the police told them, both parents have stopped talking to police which of course just makes the police think she is guilty too.
With the exception of the other day when I posted the photo of Lisa, I have not really paid any attention to the case, so if this has been said or answered somewhere before, I apologize. The one hole I did not understand in their story was that they both woke up at 4am to check on their baby. How many guys do you know that get up at 4am if their wife is already getting up to also go check on their baby. I don't know many. Sure, if the baby is an infant and he is trying to help out or is excited, but by the 10th month I have to say it is probably not happening.
My theory is that something happened during the night and the mom wanted to have an alibi so she made her husband get up with her so they would both discover Lisa missing. That is my theory. I hope I am wrong. I hope the baby is safe.