Lindsay Lohan decided to take her underage sister Ali Lohan to Lindsay's Playboy shoot. No doubt Ali was there not just to fetch Lindsay things and to steal wardrobe and whatever else she could but also to see what she could be doing next year when Ali turns 18. Dina is probably doing the calculations in her head right now about how much she could make. If an already seen naked Lindsay could get $1M, she probably is wondering what Ali could get and if she would get a bonus for being in the Hugh Hefner assembly line chain for a few weeks.
You don't think Dina would do that? She was selling a tell all book about her daughter. Dina will do anything to make money and if it means getting Ali naked for Playboy and trying to get her to be a Hef girlfriend, I think she absolutely would do it. I also think Michael will be first in line to buy Lindsay's Playboy issue but that is another story.
Read this somewhere and found it disturbing.
ReplyDeleteHope Ali would simply dump and get away from her "family" as soon as she turns 18. Hope she also takes Dina to task if she was also made to sign a management contract with her "mom".
I hate those boots Lilo is wearing. Yuck!
ReplyDeleteThose are not attractive girls. That's all.
ReplyDeleteThose bitches look rugged. They are way too young to look that used up. Are those purses or trashbags?
ReplyDeleteWhy do people buy those boots/shoes that Lindsay is wearing? They are fugly!!!!!! So are Uggs.
ReplyDeleteI thought that was an old pic of Lilo and SamRo
ReplyDeleteConsidering the other crazy sh-t I'm certain Ali Lohan has witnessed, this really isn't a big deal to me. She's 17, not 12. And do you actually think she hasn't seen Lindsay's tits? PLEASE.
ReplyDeleteOn another note, what the F did Ali do to her face?! She is quite unfortunate looking.
New Life and Attitude: The boots LL's wearing ARE fug (Minnetonkas), but find me a pair of boots that are more comfortable or warmer than Uggs! I bet you can't. They're so ugly, but god my tootsies love them in the winter. :)
@Syko -- I honestly agree. Ali is...okaaaaaay, but model material she is NOT. I feel bad for shitting on a young woman's appearance, but there are girls out there who are way more magazine cover-worthy. If you're gonna enter a shallow profession, prepare for shallow observations (like the one I just made, for instance).
ReplyDeleteIt's sad how genuinely gorgeous Lindsay was circa 2005. The vibrant red hair, her juicy figure, bright green eyes, etc. She was the Real Deal in every aspect. She could act CIRCLES around contemporaries like ScarJo and Kiera, too.
Faces of Meth, indeed. Just say no, kids!
And I think most fashion nowadays is tremendously ugly and unflattering, honestly. I read Lainey's column pretty religiously, and I've noticed that if she loves an outfit, it's likely that it'll make me gag.
^ That's the problem I'm having. Either the winter boots aren't warm/comfortable enough, or they've got shit all over them like Lilos. What do I do? I can only buy what they offer in the stores. :(
ReplyDeleteThat was at Jamee
ReplyDeleteShe was beautiful, that Lindsay. *tsk tsk*
ReplyDeleteTaking your sister or any family member to a photo shoot where you show your vag is just gross.
I think Lindsay's book might be next, I bet there are a bunch of actors who will pay her to leave them out of her "memoir" .
ReplyDeleteShe really doesn't have many options at this point.
Eeewwww at this family..
ReplyDeleteDon't know if it's true but yesterday I read somewhere that she didn't show any boob or firecrotch. You know, cause she's classy like that.
ReplyDeletePer TMZ, Lilo showed boobs, ass and vag. It is all going to be out there, tastefully of course! LMAO. Todays Lilo tidbit was that a sex toy company offered her $1 Million to made a mold of her va jay jay to sell as a sex toy. She said she would never do that, but she also said she would not do any nudity. I bet she does it.
ReplyDeleteWell, there's nothing left for her to do then. She can market sex toys and then move straight to working the pole and hooking (if she hasn't already)
ReplyDeleteI can really see Michael in Aliana (that's her name now, according to Dina, just Aliana)--the same Micheal who was arrested AGAIN for trying to contact Kate Major, this time jumping from the third-floor balcony of his hotel before being apprehended 12 hours after he was released yesterday.
ReplyDelete@Ida - Yes, both of them used to be pretty. Just a year ago Ali was this little fresh-faced thing with a sparkle in her eyes and now she looks rode-hard-and-put-up-wet just like Big Sis. "Growing into her face", my butt.
ReplyDeleteI will be SO GLAD when this "fashion" of long stringy hair extensions to your ass is gone. Where is the style in that? It reminds me of playing dress-up as a kid, when I'd put someone's half-slip or skirt on my head and pretend it was hair.
See, that deal for Lindsay DID include Ali just as soon as she turns 18!
ReplyDeleteYou know, I would like to see this famiy vanish before the K-ass clan.
ReplyDeleteAli is reminding me of Pete Burns from Dead or Alive (before he completely fucked up his face with plastic surgery). Careful Ali! you'll be looking like Pete soon if you keep it up!
ReplyDeleteHATE those sandal/boot things that Lindsay is wearing. I mean, WTF?! It's like the shoe is confused and doesn't know what to be!
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ReplyDeleteA picture of Lindsay and Ali together in the nude would be the most valuable but if she's 17 maybe they can't do that.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Moma Dina has that figured out.
OMG - Ali TOTALLY looks like SamRo now! That is really kind of messed up.
ReplyDeleteSue Ellen: I surrendered to Uggs a long time ago. I've suffered through many a Chicago winter, and nothing, I mean NOTHING are as good as Uggs. Though I have since gone with the short black ones. I let go of the knee high tan ones (the classics) a while ago. Something makes them a tad less heinous in black. I know they're ugly...and I don't care. :)
ReplyDelete@Jamee -- I wore my grey sweater Uggs (the same ones Kate Hudson and Megan Fox each have, apparently, since I saw papped pictures of those ladies wearing them) until those suckers finally became droopy beyond repair.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if I'll buy another pair -- I wouldn't mind branching out into other footwear, honestly, but GOD they were comfy.
I draw the line at Crocs, however. I can't go for that. No can do.
seriously, my heart breaks. i am still rooting for lindsay...and as much as i hate to say it, i hope the judge packs her off to jail next wk. nothing else seems to be working and the little sister is simply going to follow in her footsteps. the parents are both vile and should be sent to some sort of parent rehab themselves.
ReplyDeleteThis family disgusts me. How is Dina any different than a pimp? She's ho'ed Lindsay out since she was a little girl, and she's doing the same to the other one now. She doesn't care how they make the money, just that they do. And I agree with enty, Michael Lohan's fix on his daughter is a bit creepy.
ReplyDeleteOn another note, after reading these comments I'm going to have to get some uggs now. If a Chicagoan swears by them, they'd be perfect for Michigan winters too!
Is it me or does Ali look more and more like Sue Bob White everyday? What the fuck does the Lohan machine churn out?
ReplyDeleteAli & LiLo both used to be so adorable!!! Damn their parents for messing them up so badly!
ReplyDeleteI would give anything to be able to afford Uggs, especially now that the Minnesota winter is almost upon us. Brrr!
Prowl Ebay for Uggs.....you can get lucky.
ReplyDeleteMy word, Ali is a tragic looking child. She also needs her jeans hemmed.