Sunday, October 30, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Plugs Her Dentist - Joined By Booze And Cigarettes

Lindsay Lohan's photo Thanks Dr. Dorfman for the zoom... My gums are so sore though!
Lindsay Lohan on WhoSay

After Lindsay Lohan showed off the worst set of teeth this side of Charlie Sheen she decided to get them cleaned. Of course if Lindsay can get something for free instead of paying that is always her first choice. Whether the person knows they are giving it to her free is always a subject for the police and Lindsay to decide between themselves. So, apparently she got her dentist to Zoom her teeth for free. I am guessing why she plugged the dentist. Not like plug as in have sex with him which no man would do for a $300 product, but plug as plugging his services a dentist. If there was any other plugging going on, then that is between two consenting adults and if the dentist had enough cash. What Lindsay also did though was show an ashtray filled with cigarettes and what appears to be booze. Yes, I see the can of something next to it, but that glass looks booze filled. At this rate she will be plugging her dentist's services repeatedly and looking for a doctor who can replace a lung or liver and is willing to trade services for Twitter posts.


  1. Is that Motel-6 room she's photographed in her new home?

  2. I think she had her teeth capped, not just cleaned. that's the best way to disguise current and future drug use.

  3. Is there someone she can plug to bleach her dirty zombie hands?

  4. I think you're right, FS - her teeth were a totally different shape in those "before" pics, and there were chips in and spaces between them then where there are none now.

  5. Yeah, they look totally different to me too. More then just a zoom.

  6. She's had veneers it looks to me! Looks much better than before. Too bad she's a mess.

  7. she has new teeth, not Zoom.

    I also assume Dr Dorfman takes blowjobs as payment.

  8. Is it me or does she look as if she is going bald? I actually liked her old teeth shape, she needed a good cleaning/bleaching and some minor chip fixes is all. Veneers never look natural in my opinion, there is no variation in shape so they end up resembling chicklets.

  9. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Next up...dermatologist on call to fix "meth face"

  10. nice teeths(fake or not)

  11. Her hairline is heading back fast, the same thing happened to Naomi Campbell and I believe she's pretty much bald now...travels with suitcases full of wigs.

  12. my dad (75) has been saying that she looks like she is going bald. and i agree ^^ it looks like that here. that pix loos psycho. or is it the combo of dead animal wear/cheesy-heidi of the mountains hair do and bone thin arms?

  13. @ LMSaM - You ain't kidding when you say Motel 6... That lamp looks ancient and the shade is stained. The wallpaper looks stained also. Our little girl is posing in a flop house!

  14. Lindsay got her teeth done. Big deal.

    That's a nice photo of Tom Petty though.

  15. Does anyone else think she looks like Leanne Rimes here?!? Not much of a compliment either way but weird.

  16. There is this whole breed of celebrity that has no shame, no embarrassment, just as long as the name stays out there anything everything is O.K.
    I simply can't relate, can't understand them. Does Lindsay really think any man or woman of any value and I not talking money, I mean a really good person with a good life is going to want her in it ?

  17. Lolhan's a walking disaster, no doubt about that, but I'm pretty sure she's drinking an A&W cream soda.

  18. Years of hair coloring and heavy extensions are to blame for Lindsey turning into Riff Raff.

  19. I don't think she had veneers...they don't look THAT altered but she definitely had more than Zoom done.

    I'm sure this was just the endorsement picture the dentist was looking for.

  20. @ JasonlBlueEyes, you made me snort coffee through my noise. Bad boy. ;)

  21. That is a A & W Creme Soda I think (my daughter loves it) and it is that color in a glass. I don't think it is booze. I think that is more than a teeth whitening myself. That looks like a nice set of veneers.

  22. LOL at the entire pack of stubbed-out cigs in the background.

    Good luck keepin' those white chompers, LiLo. And have fun on Wednesday, kid. Here's hoping you can still purchase your Parliaments in the pokey.

  23. hahaha, oh you're all obsessed with this girl. It's kinda weird.

  24. She def had both the tooth whitening and at least two front veneers.

    She drives me nuts but telling people they can bet results like she did from just whitening their teeth is lies lies lies.

    I can't stand liars.

  25. Those look like veneers. Her real teeth are a little smaller and must have been too destroyed or eaten away to whiten or clean. Def veneers.

  26. Hopefully she'll not stop with the teeth and get off the substances - and distance herself from her disfunctional, money/fame clawing family.
