Sunday, October 30, 2011

Kris Humphries Gets Scammed Out Of 200K

Both TMZ and E! are reporting that one of the guests at the Kim Kardashian/Kris Humphries wedding was arrested this past week. The reason? He was running a ponzi scheme and Kris Humphries dropped about $200K into it before the guy was arrested. Presumably Kris invested with the guy because he wanted to show Kim that he was doing something with his money other than partying it all away. Losing $200K when you are unemployed and will be at least for another month is probably not the best way to hang on to your money.

The guy who was arrested claimed he had a special way of investing the money and would make everyone rich. You would think with all the ponzi things that have gone on in the past few years people would just learn to be more careful. I wonder if Kim invested any of her money with the guy.


  1. he also got scammed into thinking he was marrying a sincere person.

  2. Wouldn't surprised at all if Pimp Mama Kris put the guy up to it.

  3. whenever I see a photograph of Pimp Mama, I literally see dollar $ign$ in her eye$.

  4. I wonder who's side the "guest" belonged to. I also am curious as to what type of pre-nup they have. You would think with all of the money that worthless bunch is making that they would reimburse him.

  5. if any of the investors had spent 5 minutes googling this guy or calling Harvard to see if he really graduated (he got kicked out) they never would of invested with him. Sorry but if your stupid with your money you deserve to lose it.

  6. And this is what Occupy is all about. The guy will probably get a slap on the wrist at best. Any society can only take so much of this. We just don't have enough for everyone's greed.
