In the marriage everyone thought would last forever, or at least another season, there will be no more. Kim Kardashian is expected to file for divorce this morning from her husband of just over two months. Well, two months is like almost a year in Hollywood time. Did anyone expect it to last? It was all about getting some ratings. At first Kris thought Kim liked him and then realized at some point it was all for show.
Well, hopefully the sponsors and E! got their money's worth and there is always the Scott and Kourtney wedding to look forward to for their advertising dollars.
ReplyDeleteQuelle surprise.
ReplyDeleteAny time a schmuck would dare to say that gay men and women would make a mockery out of marriage, please slap him/her across the head and refer to Kim Kardashian's "marriage".
This truly pisses me off.
Bwahahahahahaha! Kris must be so proud!
ReplyDeleteShe doesn't value herself at ALL does she? Is there ANYthing she won't do for $$$?
ReplyDeleteWORD, Rita. ~The Sanctity of Marriage~, my ASS.
ReplyDeleteDo the wedding guests get their outrageously-lavish gifts back?
I'll bet she gets back together with Reggie.
@Rita: Nice!
ReplyDelete@ Rita - Amen Sister. I also want to know if she is going to show some damn class and return the wedding gifts. The good news is the "fans" will probably leave in droves over this bullshit and this will be the beginning of the end of the Kartrashian Brand. Please. Please.....
ReplyDeleteI'm so devastated. I NEVER saw this coming. I thought it was TRUE love, even after 3 months of dating. I'm so disappointed. My heart is crushed ... rotflmao
ReplyDeleteOh great...now we have to hear about the divorce, who is getting what etc etc etc. The good news is maybe it will be the end of the Kardashian "name", and the "fans" will leave....we could only hope :)
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one who would be kinda ticked if I was one of the wedding guests? Unless everyone knew it was a sham for tv in advance, I would just feel kind of used, like she needs x number of puppets to sit in the audience so she can pull off this joke for $$$. A waste of my time and energy just so she can put on this charade. Then again, I guess any guest should have known better and seen this coming.
ReplyDeleteThe Kardashian backlash begins in earnest. The stupid wedding was the start and this just nails it.
ReplyDeleteI like the irony of how even this past weekend "E" was still running that endless "Kim's Fairytale Wedding" special - over and over again.
ReplyDeleteI opened my Wal-Mart sale flyer in the Sunday paper yesterday, and there they all were - advertising some nail polish and all those Kardashian women were in the ad - labeled "America's favorite family." Seriously - I wanted to gag. You can not get away from those people.
And then the next thing that popped into my mind was that oversaturation eventually does lead to a backlash. I hope they eventually get left holding the bag for millions - I really do. And I'm not one to wish ill on anyone.
Many have made a good point--please oh please let people stop watching their stupid shows. Backlash, please.
ReplyDeleteShe's a stupid fucking cunt.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I said it.
I find this incredibly humorous... But again, she can pull this crap and gay's cant marry..WTF
ReplyDeleteI just read this to my husband - he burst out laughing and asked who she married. When I told him, he said he hopes the groom sues Kim for alimony. Probably has an airtight prenup though.
ReplyDeleteWhore. Fame whore. Porn whore. She whored out her wedding. How many couples getting married for all the right reasons would love to have half the wedding she did. Hate this whore.
ReplyDeleteKim's people are saying that she and Kris couldn't agree where to live, and Kim did not want to move to Minnesota.
ReplyDeleteWhat a weak excuse. Run for your life Kris, get away from it all, and concentrate on your career.
As for the Kardashians, I really do hope it's America's wake-up call and stop making celebrities out of shameless hussies who's only talent is getting pied on in a self promoted home porno movie.
Give me that K! TP so I can wipe my self clean off that family, once and for all.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete@Rita. Amen.
ReplyDeleteI was kind of all over the "K" klan this weekend after learning that Mama Kris just wrote (and I use that term loosely) a book that dredges up the tragedy of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman to make yet another buck. One glance at the headline, "I could have saved Nicole" did it for me. If you could have saved her, WHY DIDN'T YOU?? You moron. Take your family and GO AWAY!!!!
This is what I'm curious about... what the fuck are the terms of Kris Humphries' contract? Is it renewable every week or something? Good god, even faking it, I thought they'd pretend longer than 72 days. Maybe Humphries finally had all he could take of those shrew women.
ReplyDeleteDoes this guy have a legitimate career or is he a gold-digger like Jessica Simpson's paid piece?
Seriously @sassy? Pimp Mama is writing a book about Nicole Brown NOW? It's been something like 15-20 years! God, she is TRASH!
ReplyDeleteLest we forget he was in it just as much as she was. Well, "just as much" may be an overstatement; I'm sure the split was more like 80/20 but he wasn't guiltless in this stunt.
ReplyDeletethey'd better give back their gifts, selfish fuckers.
ReplyDelete1- Kim dug her own grave, getting a divorce.
2- Michael Lohan is stuck in jail.
3- Can we please have Lindsay pay for her mistakes like any other deserving American citizen by rightfully sending her to jail for a year, for all those illegal "mistakes" she did?
Let this be a just week.
@Little Miss ... yep. Due out tomorrow, I think. I don't why it took THAT to push me over the Kartrashian edge, but it did in a BIG way.
ReplyDeleteI am so happy for Kris Humphries today. Our long national nightmare is over.
ReplyDeleteI think this divorce was planned from the beginning. I don't believe for one minute anything on this show is genuine.
ReplyDeleteThis breaks my heart. Not for the stupid whore Kim, but for the number of gay friends I have who are engaged and will remain that way, until our government decides to recognize their love. In the same way that they recognized hers.
ReplyDelete@sassy - I am having the same response as you over that news. It's unconscionable.
ReplyDeleteStupid-ass idiot fame whores, the whole lot of 'em.
ReplyDeleteWho gives a flying eff about these dolts and their fake EVERYthing?
@Sassy and Little Miss - while I question the timing of the book (coming out the day after Kim files for divorce) I will hold of on judging Kris for its contents (for now). She and Nicole Brown Simpson actually were very good friends and from what I read today, Nicole had asked her to come over the night of the murder, but Kris told her that she was too busy. This family will do anything for money, but it's also possible that the guilt has been weighing heavily on her all these years, or maybe she even wants to speak up for a friend and let the world know that Nicole was a strong person, who was doing all she could to get out of an awful situation. Not saying i fully believe that, but I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt FOR NOW.
ReplyDeletea) if i were an advertiser I would NOT endorse a kourtney/scott wedding
ReplyDeleteb) @chasingheaven - YES, if i were a guest at that wedding I'd want my gift back! unless as you said they were all "in" on it and told not to bring gifts
c) @smoke & mirrors - I also thought they'd at least fake it for a good six months or so before they did this.
what a waste. i really wish people would see how its all just orchastrated and stop watching that show and .
She hasn't filed for divorce yet from what I've seen. Honestly, I think they may stretch this out a bit longer to keep her in the "headlines". If it's all for publicity, keeping the divorce rumor mill going is one way to keep people talking about you.
ReplyDeleteKris got played by a shallow pig. I wonder if he gets royalties for being on the show?
ReplyDeleteGood, now Pimp Mama Kris can start planning the wedding I really want to see. Rob's wedding to his boyfriend!
ReplyDeleteThat was my exact immediate reaction when I saw this headline this morning, first thing on my web browser. Laugh out loud.
Now would this entire fraudulent family please just go away and take Courtney Stodden with them.
Mama Mia, I completely agree. No way was this a real legit thing. They had probably agreed on getting a divorce a couple of months in, all to get more publicity. Didnt they JUST renew their marriage on Eller or sth?
ReplyDeleteAs I type this, there are already thirty-seven comments on this post. And you people want them to disappear? I smell irony...
ReplyDeleteSorry, folks. As long as they continue to generate buzz, they're not going ANYwhere. That's why I think it's kinda hilarious how Enty posts something about them at *least* once a day. It just proves that he's thinking about them, even if he hates them.
I do appreciate the fact that Wonky McValtrex seems to have vanished from the public eye, however. And it would be awesome if the Lohans would go away forever, too. Please, Entertainment Gods? Make it happen.
I hope this is her downfall. She couldn't be happy with the insane fame whore status she already had. No, she just had to have herself a pretty, pretty princess wedding. Now she's screwed herself and the backlash has begin and her husband can go back to what ever sport he plays barely unscathed.
ReplyDeleteI doubt very much she'll return the gifts. These are people who spell classy with k. Klassy really is so much more something.
There is nothing I would enjoy more than to live in a Kardashian-free world. The whole lot of them needs to go the fuck away already.
ReplyDelete@Ida - Agree 100%. The only time I have any interaction with Kardashian anything is on this site. Never seen a show, never will, never even think twice about any of them..... until Enty posts something. Now if he never posted anything, I probably wouldn't even notice they were gone.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Kim. You had your fairy tale wedding, the one you dreamed about your whole life. You didn't get it for your first marriage, but this time you not only got the dream wedding but it was all paid for, too.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately that's all it was to you - a wedding, a way to make money & bring further attention to yourself. The "groom" was whatever idiot you could find that would agree to stand up on that ridiculous stage with you. Maybe you've now learned that money, fame & "play" weddings don't bring happiness. In fact, it brought you so much unhappiness that you couldn't even wait more than 72 days to file for divorce. I have a feeling that if your wedding was shown on E! sooner, and if you hadn't went straight into filming your New York show, it would have lasted 12 days. It was clear by the wedding photos that you were both over each other even then.
I really hope the 10 million people that watched your wedding realize that everything they've been shown & all the well manipulated stories in the press are just lies to bring the Kardashian's money. I think you have enough money saved up by now...and I really hope your time is up. Go sit in the corner with Paris. Lindsay will be following you as soon as she gets done with her community service.
Well at least Lamar and Khloe are real. They make a n awesome couple.
ReplyDeleteSomeone please make them all go away!
ReplyDeleteDon't worry folks--Kim is on borrowed time at this point. Sooner rather than later, she'll be a footnote in D-list society circles. She already had to 'stoop' down and marry a C-list basketball player. Kim's on her last wheel.
ReplyDeleteMama Kris knows the score. You can squeeze only so much juice from an orange. Unless Kim gets back with Reggie Bush and moves to Miami, she'll be finished in a couple of years. People will just stop caring. Kourtney is saddled with that Patrick Bateman look-alike and wasn't interesting in the first place.
So that leaves Khloe, who's married to a legit NBA star (as long as he's in LA), Rob--who's getting things started by his appearance on DWTS (expect him to date Cheryl Burke for a while), Kendall--for modeling and TV hosting gigs, and Kylie--back up in case Kendall screws up.
Kim got some great mileage from her camera whore ways, but I think she's just about finished. Out with the old, as they say.
Ah, heterosexuals. Protecting the sanctity of marriage since Jesus was born!
ReplyDeleteYeah. The concept of some not being able to get married and yet THIS TRICK can trip down the aisle is absurdity in the highest degree.
ReplyDeleteI was wrong! Since I've posted my comment this has gone from "rumor" to "news". I agree with those who think this will really trigger Kim's fanbase leaving. It's clear she is the one leaving the marriage & it was all for publicity.
ReplyDeleteSeriously...I knew it was over the day the day they walked down the aisle. Actually, the day they got engaged. She did it for publicity for the show. They never seemed right together, and she never seemed like she was that into him.
ReplyDeleteIda, Reggie Bush wants no part of the media hoopla.
ReplyDeleteIf he took her back, I'd go punch him in the face.
So dumb. On "The Soup" before the wedding they posted a clip where someone mentioned Kim's first husband, & Kris had no idea she was married before. Um, I've never seen their show except for clips on "The Soup," & I knew that! You should probably mention that to your fiance! He had this pathetic look on his face. I hope he realized before the wedding that this was all for show & didn't actually think she loved him.
ReplyDelete@parissucks -- Didn't Reggie supposedly beg her not to go through with the wedding, though? And then he hooked up with that Kardashian/Gastineau hybrid from that Old Navy ad -- which I, personally, found pretty weird. The ad *and* the hookup, that is.
ReplyDeleteOh, and we're now up to fifty comments on this post. Just sayin'...
My, y'all are worked up about her!
ReplyDeleteI agree with so many of you though about the sanctity of marriage and gay rights. That is just absurd.
ReplyDeleteHollywood marriages don't count in the sanctity of marriage argument. The Christian Right hates 'those disfunctional Hollyweird liberals' even more then they hate the gays.
ReplyDeleteI am so tired of the Khardashians, so disgusted that my my country has given them wealth and fame while people with talent and true gifts to share for the betterment of humanity go unknown and unthanked. Better hope I never run into Ryan Seacrest anywhere, I might be tempted to punch that closeted, greedy, ugly elf. He foisted this shit family on us and he needs to pay.
Kris the hubby did not do well at all in the P.R. department on Leno a few weeks back and now he sees reports he wasn't 1st choice by 'E' execs? Maybe someone slipped him a bootleg copy of Kim's butt action golden shower sextape while she was in Dubai.That'll do it. I'm sure Kim had her lawyers draw up divorce papers on the same day as the Pre-nup.
ReplyDeleteJust left the date empty. Till today!
Kris reportedly didn't know Kim was filing divorce papers until this morning. Kim puts the witch in Halloween that's for sure. I don't know how Kris put up with her for even this long. I'll bet Kim has more affection for a pair of her leather boots than she does for another human being. I've been okay with the whole Kim Kardashian schtick but now she's starting to annoy me.
ReplyDeleteKim, if I see you today I'm going to throw toilet paper at you and egg you. Which wouldn't even phase you because you're used to always being covered in sticky goo anyway.
So he gets the ring back. right ?
ReplyDeleteThis is a travesty and makes a mockery of marriage. And yet there is an entire group of people in our society who are consistently denied the right to able to commit to someone they love - legally. After this, I never want to hear the 'sanctity of marriage' bullshit again from the 'family values' crowd. Ironically, a lot of the people who are most vocal against gay marriage have been married and divorced a number of times. I guess only hetero's are allowed to take a dump on the institution of marriage. :(
ReplyDelete@MISCH: HELL NO! He doesn't get the ring back. He didn't pay for it. Mama Kris brokered the deal for that beauty.
ReplyDeleteI do wonder what his buyout rate will be, though. Because I imagine he saw enough Kardashian shenanigans to make things uneasy for them if he wanted.
I have a feeling that millions of people are ready to console Kris now, for what that's worth. He is certainly easy on the eyes.
ReplyDeleteBarton, I personally think Kris is fug as hell, and looks dumb.
ReplyDeleteida, I don't beleiev Reggie wants Kim back. He ran away from all that screaming! he knows she is a stupid spoiled whore like Paris.
Kris, easy on the eyes?! LAWL. A gorilla looks much more appealing to me, Kris looks like a dolt. But when you compare him to that melted plastic abomination known as his soon-to-be-ex-wife, well, at least he looks human.
ReplyDeleteFor those of you that feel the same way about Kim "I like to show skin" Kardashian I thought I'd link to these photos of the terrific star of 2 Broke Girls, Kat Dennings. Kat has big boobs and a big butt like Kim but Kat possesses qualities Kim doesn't: Charm, talent and consideration for other people.
i'm pretty sure that Reggie Bush is behind her divorce
ReplyDeleteFYI, from Piers Morgan's Twitter feed:
ReplyDeletePiersTonight Piers Morgan Tonight
Last week @PiersMorgan interviewed @KrisJenner. TONIGHT 9pm, hear what she said about @KimKardashian's marriage. (Full intvw airs Friday.)
I can't believe she was the one who filed! She has to know this will be bad for her image. He must have told her he was done, and she had to get the jump on him so it wouldn't look like she got dumped. I figured after that guy came out and said he was Husband Choice #1, Kris must've realized there wasn't an ounce of sincerity in anything she said or did.
ReplyDeleteNotice how she filed on a Monday morning, not a Friday like a lot of celebrities, to give all gossip mags time to readjust their covers and include her. Sneaky!
ReplyDeleteYeah, I still think Mr Humphries is cute. He's tall, big, lanky and I tend to like mix'ded men who are athletes.
ReplyDeleteJason Blue Eyes, I think Kat Dennings is annoying, and has always reminded me of an ugly version of Hilary Duff.
ReplyDeleteSo, not everyone would like her. :)
I llllooooooooooove Kat Dennings. The hair, the lips, the skin, the tremendous chichis. I think she's magnificent.
ReplyDeleteBut Kris Humphries is a fugger shade of...fug. I think he's extremely unfortunate looking, personally.
America's favorite family? Really? I mean, really? I know a lot of people, and personally, I do not know one single person who likes these people, who watches any of their shows, who watched the wedding, or even buys a product endorsed by them. I don't even know what this fame whore endorses other than the shoes that keep popping up in Facebook ads just to annoy the piss out of me.
ReplyDeleteI hate the fact that they made millions and millions off of this farce when there are people who can't afford to pay their mortgage and put food on the table. I hope E sues them for the 17 million they were given for the "wedding."
ReplyDeleteGah! This situation is just really disgusting. This legally binding .. as far as we know, any way .. marriage was a farce from day one. That is just disgusting on an epic level. I know it was all crap .. but jesus .. a legal marriage for ratings? Are you f**king me? These people just need to go the hell away.
ReplyDeleteI now believe that there's a mathematical correlation between how much money a wedding costs and the bigger a disaster the marriage will be.
ReplyDeleteI'll give Km credit she actually got paid to have her bloated self-indulgent fairy tale of a wedding.
He looks Lurch in that photo.
ReplyDeleteIf you find Humphries attractive, take a look at Blake Griffin. Better body, cuter face and hair. Better basketball player, too.
ReplyDeleteI always thought Kris H. was fug too but will say he was better looking on TV than any pic I ever saw of him.
ReplyDelete@Mama Mia - After I read that story about that, I'm fully convinced this was all planned out.
What a joke this family is.
Rita had the best comment. And they won't let gay people get married but they call this OK? Just mind boggling!
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ReplyDeleteHELLO to my friends out there i am testifying about the good work of a man who help me it has been hell from the day my husband left me i am a woman with two kids my problem stated when the father of my kids travel i never help he was living but as at two weeks i did not set my eye on my husband i try calling but he was not taken my call some week he call me telling me that he has found love some where easy at first i never take to be serous but day after he came to the house to pick his things that was the time i notice that things is going bad i help he will come back but things was going bad day by day i needed to talk to someone about it so i went to his friend but there was no help so i give it up on him month later i met on the the internet a spell caster i never believe on this but i needed my men back so i gave the spell caster my problem at first i never trusted him so i was just doing it for doing sake but after three day my husband called me telling me that he his coming home i still do not believe but as at the six day the father to my kids came to the house asking me to for give him the spell work to said to my self from that day i was happy with my family thanks to the esango priest of (abamieghe)esango priest he his a great man you need to try him you can as well to tell him your problem so that he can be of help to you his content email is this esangopriest@gmail.com indeed you are a priest thank you for making my home a happy home again. remember his email is esangopriest@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteHello,everyone i am from Canada i never ever believed in spell until i meet a man called dr ogala who help me cast a spell that bring back my ex-lover who left me for two years before our marriage,His spells works beyond my imaginations and today i am happily married with two kids and me and my [ex-lover] now husband are very happy more than ever before,what more can i say rather than to say thank you dr ogala for been there for me,contact him today and your life will never ever remain the same his email is Ogalalovespell@yahoo.com, may the lord continue to use you to save people as you did to me, He is the best spell caster that can help you.