John Travolta Wanted A Reservation For KFC
Umm, KFC in England is the same as KFC here in North America right? I mean you can have original or extra crispy and a variety of other things to help you get full so you don't eat the entire 20 piece bucket by yourself. What? You have never done that? Well, I am not proud to say that I have which is why I keep it to 12 now and have biscuits to make up the difference.
Anyway, John Travolta was in West Sussex this past weekend to attend some Scientology thing. After a full day of auditing and pretending he is not gay, a man gets hungry. Chicken would definitely hit the spot and if you are throwing in a side of Krispy Kreme even better. So, John's people actually called a KFC and tried to reserve a table. Seriously. Maybe he would like waiter service and a printed menu while he enjoys an aperitif too. I am surprised the worker did not fall down laughing. It is KFC. The worker said no, that John would have to wait in line like everyone else. The caller then reiterated this was going to be John Travolta. The worker did not care. Yay for the worker, but the manager of the KFC was contacted later and said in the future they would reserve a table for any celebrity. Why? How often do they eat there and how often do all your regular customers eat there?