Sunday, October 16, 2011

How To Get Lindsay Lohan To Leave Your Party

In the past, the best way to get Lindsay Lohan to leave your party was to make sure someone was guarding all the valuables. Once Lindsay comes in and sees she will have no luck, then she moves on to the next party and the less protected valuables. Well, for those of you who cannot afford security or are having an open bar and fear Lindsay will stay for days or until the booze runs out, I offer you a new solution. According to The NY Post, Lindsay's people (Dina) told organizers at some event last week that if any Pitbull song was played, Lindsay would walk out. Lindsay is currently suing Pitbull because he name checked her in a song and somehow Lindsay thinks she can sue for defamation. Get a life Lindsay. Someone from Lindsay's people (Dina) told Taryn Manning not to play a Pitbull song. I say play them 24/7 and every singer in the world name check Lindsay and then we can keep her in her house and never have to see her.


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