Look, I understand I miss things sometimes. There is lots of gossip and lots of sources and outlets plus everything everyone tells me and sometimes you can overlook things, but I have no idea how I missed Griffin O'Neal being pulled over by cops after an accident and finding him loaded up with every drug imaginable and carrying a weapon. How did I miss it? Did I have a tequila blackout? It happened the same day as Redmond O'Neal's most recent arrest. I remember that one and remember writing about it, but not Griffin. Apparently Griffin told the police he was rushing from San Diego to Los Angeles because Redmond got arrested.
Griffin was in a head on crash with another driver who is lucky to be alive. Griffin faces six charges, most of them felonies. That is crazy. What is even crazier is the guy was on meth, coke, Xanax and pot. His body must not have known if it was up or down. That is a crazy combination. Half of you wants to sleep and the other half thinks you need to go a million miles an hour. Not sure why he needed a gun either. Anyway, both kids were in court yesterday. Ryan must have been so proud. Probably trying to figure out if he can get them on Celebrity Rehab together. Kind of like a package deal and keep the money for himself.
after the last violent fight Griffin & Ryan had those two are done with each other. Ryan claimed on Piers Morgan he wants to do a paternity test because he doesn't think Griffin is his bio son. Pot meet Kettle on that one.
ReplyDeleteI remember the story but it was just a one day blow over.
and woo-f'n-hoo! enty posting on a Saturday. Feels like Christmas!! :)
ReplyDeleteI honestly thought he had been clean and sober for years and had it together.
Shows how much I know.
I hope Tatum isn't lying about her sobriety...
I'm agreeing with everyone who loves Saturdays with Enty! This is almost as good as New Year's Day and Fourth of July!
ReplyDeleteThis family is pitiful. Anyone can have a f**ked up kid, but for one guy to have three, I think says something about his parenting skills.
did we ever hear who smuggled the drugs to redmond in rehab? hadn't dear dad just visited him the day before or something?
ReplyDeletetoo bad you can't prosecute for bad parenting. ryan would be doing life.
^ Yup, it was his lawyer...
ReplyDeleteFirst I've heard of it too.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting on Saturday, Enty!!!
I thought he was still sober, too. Sad.
ReplyDeleteWasn't he convicted of killing one of the Coppolas' years ago? On a boat? Lucky he didn't kill anyone this time around.
Agreed with Syko--
ReplyDeleteI know Griffin (and Red) for that matter are grown ups now but I cant help but lay like 3/4s of this on Ryan's door.
Everytime I hear or see someone claim friendships with Ryan O'Neal or watch him get guest spots on great shows (like Bones) I feel just as impotent with rage as I do when I hear about shit like Roman -child rapist- Polanski get a standing O !
So sad. I remember seeing him in "The Escape Artist" It was directed by The Zooey's father, Caleb. Beautiful film. My impression was that, along with Ryan and Tatum, I was witnessing the beginning of an another acting dynasty like the Huston's and the Barrymore's. But certainly not the wreckage that drug use can cause.
ReplyDeleteThis family reminds me of a family that lived in the town I grew up in. There were five kids and every single one of them was a fucked up drug addict or fucked up alcoholic. Awful.
ReplyDeleteRedman's lawyer smuggled drugs to him? Crips, I just read that Cameron Douglas' lawyer passed him drugs too.
ReplyDeleteThanks for doing a weekend Enty! I agree with Syko that it's almost as good as New Year's Day and Fourth of July! I fear addiction. I'm starting to imagine Ryan O'Neil and Dina Lohan as a couple!
ReplyDeleteI can't feel the least bit of sorrow for someone driving with meth, coke, Xanax and pot in his body. I had a friend who had a major coke/alcohol addiction and always called a cab or walked home when he was wasted. This guy was totally brainless, but had enough common sense not to drive. Griffin seems very self destructive and a lost cause at this point. Ryan O'Neil was such a beautiful man when he was younger. Too bad he never qualified for Father of the Year.
ReplyDeletethis happened by where i live, and it was a just a blip on the news. i'm not sure why. the fact that it happened near the wild animal park got as much coverage as the accident.
ReplyDeleteI know someone in the O'Neal family, and they suspect Griffin of setting up Redmond the day he got arrested. Supposedly Redmond went to score drugs for Griffin, and then got busted.
ReplyDeletewho knows though...........
I feel badly for all of ryan o'neal's children. he is such a destructive monster, they really didn't have a chance.
ReplyDelete@parissucksliterally - Interesting post!
ReplyDeleteIn my post above I was trying to joke that I fear becoming addicted to Enty posting on weekends. Does anyone agree that Ryan should date Dina Lohan?
^^ Bahahaha! Ryan & Dina, OMG. Like gasoline and a match.