Sunday, October 30, 2011

Heidi Klum And Halloween

I would not normally write an entire post about one celebrity in a Halloween costume, but when it is Heidi Klum and her favorite holiday you know you are going to get something good. I think this year there have been other celebrities who see the attention Heidi gets so stepped up their game which forced Heidi to step up hers. This is without a doubt one of the best costumes I have ever seen. It looks exactly like those body exhibits which I have been to and freak me out because I am always suspicious of how the people get the bodies for the exhibits. Are these people just donating their bodies to science? Did they ever imagine that a bunch of people paying $40 were going to be staring at their veins or arteries? Have you seen a better Halloween costume? I like how she still has the heels on though even on the operating gurney.


Anonymous said...

Way beyond awesome! I like Eva's Storm costume for 2nd place this year too!! -- BK

Anonymous said...

Link to Eva Marcille's Storm costume:

califblondy said...

Too gross for me. But, I guess that's what Halloween is all about.

parissucksliterally said...

she always has awesome costumes.

MnGddess said...

If I was one of her kids and saw that costume I wouldn't be able to sleep. For a few weeks.

Anonymous said...

What's really awesome is that even though she's a skinned corpse for Halloween, she still didn't forget to wear some vicious shoes!

Anonymous said...

That is really cool.

beguessin said...

some of those bodies are obtained from china, and there is some controversy as far as how they are obtained - some are supposedly executed prioners

Janet296 said...

She puts everyone to shame with her costumes.

thisoldbroad said...

How cool to have parents that put so much fun & effort into Halloween fun!

chopchop said...

Where are her breasts?

Lelaina Pierce said...

Wow. You know you have an elaborate costume when it requires helpers to wheel you around.

@thisoldbroad - I think so too!

timebob said...

I admit i love her outfits every years. She doesn't go for the easy slutty outfits.

it's almost a work of art this year.

Rose said...

She always has the most extreme, detailed costumes but they're never the most fun.

M. said...

Lady Gaga has some new competition in the costume department...

crila16 said...

I love Heidi Klum. I think she's amazing and I love her costumes every year.

nunaurbiz said...

If you're talking about the "Body" exhibit that's been around the country, it's from China and, given that country's abysmal record on human rights, do you really think those people volunteered their bodies for science? I don't!


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