Heather Mills Got $5000 Haircuts But Never Paid
So, first of all lets us ask ourselves if a $5000 haircut is that much better than say a $250 haircut? Fortunately I don't have to worry about haircuts, because when you only have a few wisps of hair then it is pretty easy to shave them off. I mean I have more ear hair than hair on my head. Anyway, Heather Mills racked up $80,000 in haircuts and never paid. She is being sued by a guy who charged $2500 when Heather would come to his shop and $5000 when he went to her. That is one expensive house call. I don't think Sean Penn spends that much when he has hookers come to his place. Charlie Sheen does but that is because of the drugs and booze. Apparently Heather always told the guy she did not have the money right then and would pay him later. She later promised to pay him when she got her divorce settlement. Well, it has been three years since she got that and still has not paid.