Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Have You Seen This Girl?

Police in Kansas City are searching for 10 month old Lisa Irwin, who was last seen last night at 10:30 p.m., when her parents put her to bed. At 4am, the parents called police after going to check on their daughter and discovering she was missing. Police believe someone came in through the window and took her while she slept.


  1. Jesus. I hope it has the same outcome as that little on in BC recently. Wasn't that a strange story, my fellow Canadians?

  2. That's horrible!! I hope they get her back safe and sound!

  3. OMG, Sue Ellen - that story was just too strange for words. Never mind how the guy got the child out of the house to begin with, but how on earth was he able to return the child to his house without anyone, including the police, noticing, especially since the house was surrounded by crime scene tape? Something was very fishy about that case.

    I hope this ends well for Lisa and her family.

  4. How sad that my first thought is the parents are hiding something. But so often the parents are guilty in these highly publicized searches

  5. OMG...this is horrible. What is wrong with people??? Leave little children alone. I pray they find her safe and sound.

  6. Wait, what is this case you are referring to?

    In Sweden, a three year old went missing for a day and they found her - under her bed! She had been moving around, hiding from the police and the police dogs.

  7. OMG that is my worst nightmare.

    And my Isla is almost 10 months old.

    I wish I hadn't read this. As awful as it sounds, I am hoping the parents had something to do with it. Because if not, that would mean we live in a world where babies can get stolen from their beds right under their parents' noses. And I can't handle that.

    Please, please let this angel be okay.

  8. "Are you fucking kidding me?!?!?!?" shouts the mother of a 10-month-old sleeping peacefully in his crib.

    I am so not going to rest well tonight.

    Hope that baby comes home. God. This world is CRAZY.

  9. I hate these stories, and they always ALL seem suspicious to me, ever since Jon Benet.

  10. i hope the kid is safe

    OT: in my country (France),a guy burnt his car with his kids and him inside , MUM's body was found in their house: only one kid is survived

  11. Mon Dieu, Pomme, that is horrible!

    My friends all think I am crazy, but I used AngelCare for the first two years of my sons life. If the sensor doesn't detect movement for more than 15 seconds, it sounds a very loud alarm that wakes up the parents. I used it because I am deathly afraid of SIDS, and then I continued to use it as a monitor since I can't hear my son from his room when I am in mine. It went off twice in the two years I used it - once my son was in the deepest corner of the crib and sort of off the sensor, and another time because he had a respiratory infection and was having trouble breathing. Not sure if it saved his life, but it woke us up and we brought him to the hospital. Love that AngelCare system.

    Anyway, I hope this baby girl is found safe and sound.

  12. Surfer and Sue Ellen - I heard that the return of that little boy was a deal the guy made with the police - they made sure nobody was there and they looked away so he could return the boy 'secretly'. I thought the whole thing was fishy too...

  13. OMG. Dear Lord PLEEEEEEASE keep her safe from harm, and bring her back to her parents.

  14. I hope little Lisa is found safe and sound.

    Now I want to go home and thank my dogs for barking when they so much as hear a bird sneeze.

  15. I'm going to pray and hope for the best outcome and then I'm going to hug and squeeze my kids when they get home from school.

  16. Anonymous11:28 AM

    That poor baby. Hope everything ends up OK.

  17. It sure was, Maja. Especially since the guy was arrested not long afterwards. Scary how things have changed since we were kids.

  18. Ditto the above poster about the dog. I have 3 - no one gets in my house without my knowing about it. Not even family.

  19. The parents probably killed her.

  20. @KLM - I use Angel Care as well. Wonderful system! When my toddler went to her big girl bed and my infant was in the crib, one of the monitors went out. I bought the new system. It is even better than the first one. Two sensor pads. I plan on giving them as baby gifts to my sisters when they have children (new ones) I am terrified of SIDS as well.

    I hope with all my being that this child is found safe and unharmed. Miracles do happen, let's hope they happen in Kansas City today.

  21. I hope she is found. Yea! for working dogs!!

  22. I don't think it is the parents. We had a case in Australia where someone cut the fly screen and took the youngest child from a bed where she was sleeping with her siblings (they had a large family). They haven't found the child, but I like to think it was a childless person who went a bit mad with longing for their own child and they are bringing her up in a loving home. The other option is too awful to contemplate.

  23. This makes me sick to my stomach. When My son was born in 1991, the news magazine shows (a new concept at the time - not including 60 Min) would show horrible stories of nannies beating their charges and women walking out of hospitals with newborns. Made me absolutely nuts.

    On the other hand, I have seen mothers just let their kids wander out of their sight because they are too busy on the cell phone or looking for something in a store.

    My kids are young adults and I STILL have to know where they are.

  24. Yea, let someone try and come in my house and get past the dogs. Okay, the little dog yes. Maybe. But not the bigger one. He'll do some damage.

  25. Thoughts are with that little girl, but I am doubtful of a good outcome. Look at the parents.

  26. OMG! Your worse nightmare come true.

    I'll be sending my best thoughts to Lisa and her family.

    I hope they get her back safely very soon (if she's not back already).

  27. I was never blessed .. but can someone tell me if this is a normal time frame for someone not to have contact with a child this age from 10:30 to 4 AM? Again, never blessed but it seems like there would be a diaper change needed maybe? Feeding? Not sure ..

    Sound like the Dad came home at 4 AM and discovered the child missing. I hope Mom didn't flip out and harm her. I prefer to hope someone who was lonely for a child lost their mind and took her to love her and give her a pony. Any other thought is just too horrifying to imagine.

    I hope she is found safe and sound.

  28. I am curious as to why no one checked on her from 10:30-4:00 AM. That in itself is very unusual. I hope she is found in good health, but something isn't right with the parent's story.

  29. Wil, lutefisk - All babies are different, but I know from my own situation, that my bambino falls asleep for the night around 9/9:30 p.m and sleeps soundly from anywhere between 7 and 8:30 a.m. And he's been rolling like that for months, and he's almost 11 months old. So, that timeframe of 10 to 4:30 doesn't seem odd to me.

    But, I know of other baby situations where the kid wakes up all night long.

    Of course, the cynic in me always thinks the parents did it when a child is harmed in the home. But, we shall see, right?

  30. Ditto what Susan said. Our 13 month old has been sleeping (more often than not) through the night from 7pm-ish until 5:30-6ish the next day. On the other hand, we still use a video monitor, which, thanks to reading this story, I'll now obsessively check every five minutes. Praying she's found safe and unharmed.

  31. Susan, I do know each child has their own sleeping habits. However, I would be very surprised to find out that you didn't check on your own child at least once during the night. Especially a baby under a year old. You just stated he sleeps fpr almost 12 hours. That is without being checked every few hours?

  32. Thanks Susan and Bon .. I just wasn't sure. I guess I just recall stories of friends infants waking often.

    Blessings to you and yours, guys.

  33. I check the kids before I go to bed. So, if I went to bed early one night, say at 10pm, the one year old would not be up until 3 or 4 am looking for a bottle. And because I am so sleep deprived, I would not wake up unless she cried, so I can see how she was not checked on, if the scenario is the same at their house.

  34. I have a one year old and a four year old. They both go to bed around 7, I check on them before I go to bed, and I get up when the one year old wakes around 6am. I sleep when they sleep! I wouldn't rush to conclusions about the parents, but I'm sure the police/FBI have not ruled them out yet.

    I just hope that this poor little girl is found safe and sound, and that she lives the rest of her days with her family in peace.

  35. I did not know about the Angel Care System. I will have to tell my friends with little ones about this. I had a friend who lost a child to SIDS. :(

    I just read they cancelled the Amber Alert. I don't understand why?
