Harvard Doctor Says Steve Jobs Could Have Lived If He Wanted To
Oh, the lines. I saw a line for the iPhone start forming yesterday around noon and I just don't see the need to wait for 24 hours in a line for a phone that you can get pretty easily in a week or two. Are you that desperate to be first to get it? Anyway, with that going on there is a doctor at Harvard who says that Steve Jobs would have been alive today if he had listened to his doctor and taken conventional medicine instead of all the alternative treatments he did. Steve finally started taking conventional medicine but by that time it was too late.
Dr. Ramzi Amri is an expert on pancreatic cancer and says that Steve Jobs had a rarely fatal form of cancer and "Given the circumstances, it seems sound to assume that Mr Jobs' choice for alternative medicine has eventually led to an unnecessarily early death."
Apparently Jobs tried to cure his cancer through a special diet and other means, and the doctor says that Jobs would be alive today if he had listened to his doctors.
Apparently Jobs tried to cure his cancer through a special diet and other means, and the doctor says that Jobs would be alive today if he had listened to his doctors.