Friday, October 14, 2011

Four For Friday

#1 & #2 - This relationship never happened for fans, but it is happening in real life. Despite being married, this C+ actress with one huge role has been basically living with this B list actor who has now had a couple of hit shows and is also still married. Kind of.

#3 - This A list mogul set the standard for every record producer/artist who came after him. Well, they would probably go ahead and not want the first wife, but everything else is ok. Anyway, lately our mogul has been going on blind dates. His only rule? "They need to be white and not talk very much."

#4 - This A++ list rap star who has been quite of late is not only hooked on heroin, but also has hepatitis. Hopefully that is all he has since he keeps having unprotected sex with as many fans a day as he can.


Murphy Brown 2020 said...

1 & 2 -- No freaking clue, but I'm sure it's one of those blinds with an obvious answer.

#3 -- Quincy Jones?

#4 -- I think it's Eminem. The only other A++ rapper, to me, would be Jay-Z, and he looks a little too girthy to be on the horse or have Hep. C.

cheesegrater15 said...

#4 Kanye? Haven't heard anything from Gay Fish in a while, have we?

Unknown said...

ZACK AND KELLY!!!!!!????

Anonymous said...

Quincy Jones has always dated white women, so that wouldn't surprise anyone. I'll go with LA Reid for #3. He was married to R&B singer Pebbles for a few years in the 1990s.

#4: 50 Cent

RenoBlondee said...

So does "This relationship never happened for fans" mean that the two starred on a show together that fans DID want to be together but were not?
Is anyone else reading it that way? It might narrow down the field some.

FrenchGirl said...
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FrenchGirl said...

1/2: no idea i don't follow tv shows
3:Quincy Jones is a nice guess
4:i will say Eminem just because he had major troubles(anorexia,drug...)in the past

ms snarky said...

There's no way it's Zack and Kelly. First, they got married in the follow-up tv movie, and they did date on the series. (so sorry I know that.)

And no way Zack Morris is a B-list actor.

tm0004 said...

Gillian Anderson and David duchovny

Cuckoo Armadillo said...

Kanye just debuted his runway collection and has had quite a bit to say about its poor reception; "quiet" is not the word I would use to characterize his behavior of late.

Slim has been sober for quite some time; from what I've heard of his album _Recovery_, I think he values his clarity too much to get on drugs at this point in his life--especially now that Hailey is older and understands the gravity of drug use better.

derek said...

I'm with tm0004. It all fits.

ms snarky said...

#4 - Fiddy, or Piddy. Jay is awfully healthy looking.

Anonymous said...

I thought Eminem was married again with more children?
#1: Zack & Kelly
#2: I'll go with Quincy Jones
#3: 50 cent or Kayne and that's gross. I can't imagine sleeping with a rapper/rock star without a condom.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

I agree with ms snarky. I also wouldn't call Kelly Kapowski a "huge role" for Tiffani, and she also appeared on 90210. She's got more than one character on her CV.

I also thought that Tiffani and Marc really *did* hook up for a while? I dunno. The way the blind is worded, it seems like a couple of McGosling-type proportions.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Oooh. Okay. I am DOWN with the Gillian and David guess. Awesome guess, tm2004!

Unknown said...

Oops, I took it as together in real life when they were on the show. Not Zack and Kelly then.

I like the Gillian David guess!

BoreanazisPathetic said...

OMFG I also thought David and Gillian... I'm sorry but I need to squee. LOUD.

I know, I know that DD has been scum in the past, but my XF love always hoped they would get together. People can change. It's hard, but yeah...


RocketQueen said...

1 - Love the Duchovny/Anderson guess.
2- Russel Simmons?
3 - not Eminem - by all accounts he's working his sobriety hard. And I love him :) I'm going to go with Lil Wayne or Kanye.

surfer said...

My first thought for #3 was Russell Simmons - Kimora being the first wife.

surfer said...

Hah - RQ - we think alike.

cat said...

#4 - Lil Wayne

childeroland said...

1. Duchovny (X-Files and Californication) and Anderson (X-Files her only big role). If he's divorcing Leoni and the divorce isn't yet finalized, you could still say he's sort of married.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

1. ???
2. ???
3. Russell Simmons
4. Fiddy

Duckie said...

Is Anderson only a C? Duchovny higher than her? Besides She isn't married. How can they live together when they don't even live in the same country?

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

Nice to see who shared my thoughts on Russell Simmons. Kimora seems like an absolute nightmare, non?

ms snarky said...

Joey Potter and Dawson!!!
Hee! : )

ms snarky said...

I thought Gillian was part-time into chicks, and didn't like David much in real life?

selenakyle said...

My guess for 1/2 is Scully and Mulder--Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny. But what do I know?!

selenakyle said...

Oooh, I see y'all beat me to it.

Duckie said...

@ms snarky - I always got that vibe from Anderson - I think her and Duchovny have a passing friendship now. I think he's interested in hitting everything female that moves right now. She doesn't seem like his type at all.

Flower said...

I like the Ducovny / Anderson guess - but just for fun. . . . How about Sarah Jessica Parker and John Corbett? I'm just goofing - always wanted Carrie and Aidan to end up together

SkittleKitty said...

I think the Duchovny/Anderson guess is good, but I would also think she's higher than C+. I thought she lived in England, though. And Wikipedia says she's not married--'partners' with Mark Griffiths.
I think it can refer to fans wanting the actors' characters to be together which never happened OR the actors themselves in real life.

Anonymous said...

Russell Simmons is a good guess for #3, but wasn't he pretty open with going out with some married woman not too long ago? I remember seeing some photos of them kissing.

B626 said...

Lil Wayne still doing drug testing per his probation?
I thought he was on the straight and narrow for now only because of THAT.

Cuckoo Armadillo said...

Y'all, Tha Carter IV just came out six weeks ago! I cannot and will not count that as "quiet of late." It's not Weezy F. Baby (Lil' Wayne to y'all).

Anonymous said...

Gillovny FTW!!!

jen said...

RenoBlondee said...

So does "This relationship never happened for fans" mean that the two starred on a show together that fans DID want to be together but were not?
Is anyone else reading it that way? It might narrow down the field some.

That's how I read it. No guesses on who it is, though.

kelley said...

I'm with tm0004. Even if it's not true for all the good reasons/rumors stated, my shippers' heart still beats for 'em.

Erin said...

Am I the only one who thought Tommy Mottola for #3? First wife being Mariah, and who needs that?

ForSure said...

I can't buy Gillian Anderson as a C+ actress, especially since she's been in the photos a few times lately. It's someone else, someone similar to Anderson but not as popular. I am stumped. Could it be someone from the original 90210 or Melrose Place shows? Or Fran Drescher?

Nosey Parker said...

1- Gillian Anderson
2- David duchovny
3- Russell Simmons
4- 50 Cent

VickieR said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
annabella said...

I was also under the impression that Gillian was a closeted lesbian. And that she didn't like David D. much.

VickieR said...

Gillian Anderson isn't married but I have another guess for 1 & 2
How about SMG and David Boreanaz?

Duckie said...

I know there's a ton of people who want Mulder and Scully together in RL but if all the clues are basically wrong and this is really true he isn't any more faithful to Anderson than he was with his wife. the rumors are flying about him and just about anyone these days. He's a dog.

callywally said...

ok in the movies though mulder and skully did get together so the relationship did "happen for fans" no?

allisonwonderland said...

I really don't think 50 cent is an A++ rapper. I am going with Eminem for the last one...

General said...

havent heard from dr dre lately...

Bit dams said...

is usher a rapper? he's such a slut.

Monty said...

Thanks Callywally

just came here to say the same-

X-File fans should know they got their answer.

Sorry if we spoiled it for anyone :p

Dijea said...

Although I love the guess, Scully & Mulder got married in the movies - so technically it did happen for fan just not in the TV show.

Jennifer H. said...

But Mulder and Scully did finally end up together. I wouldn't say it really satisfied any fans, but from a storyline viewpoint, the characters were "together."

I don't think Duchovny and Anderson fit this blind, especially if she's not even married.

Which B list actors are currently only "kind of" married? Ashton? Or does "kind of" married means he's in a relationship with a male, significant other?


Dishtlk said...

LOL @ me. Simple, yet brutal. Love it.
Really have no clue for 1 & 2 but i LOVE the Russell Simmons guess. Tommy Mottla sorta fits too but i don't know that he's still A list, seems to me he's disappeared since Mariah and is enjoying his wealth quietly. I could be wrong though... Oh and just to add, I loathe Kimora. She's practically a Kardashian.

tigerjen77 said...

4. Lil'Wayne

Jaime said...

#1 - How about Emily Deschanel & David Boreanaz? Technically, they're having a kid together on "Bones", but they've never really shown the relationship on the show.

nunaurbiz said...

@Sunshine: We disagree on Carrie and Aiden. I hated that time in the show because Carrie soooooo didn't "get" Aiden and everything he was about and soooooo didn't deserve him.

I did, though.


Bubbles said...

Tommy Mottola was Mariah's first husband, but he was an old divorced man when he married her so she was no first wife of his.

And if Russell Simmons is making special requests for quiet women who must be white, I can't imagine he's any less of a nightmare than Kimora is supposed to be. Like tends to attract like.

Anonymous said...

#4 Snoop ?

Flower said...

@nunaurbiz - I know, Carrie was a total girl dog to Aidan - but you can't have him, I WANT HIM. I've had the hots for him since Northern Exposure

MnGddess said...

#3 has to be Russell Simmons. He not only co founded Def jam, he was one of the first(?) to start his own clothing line. And the first wife comment is a shot at Kimora Lee..

#4 -Lil Wayne could have contracted hep from a bad needle while getting a tattoo.

#1 & #2 - George Clooney and Juliana Margulies!!!! Oh - that would be AWESOME. HEe.

Anonymous said...

Although Mulder and Scully did end up together, the fans (or at least me) never got "the kiss." That's all I wanted was that damn kiss. No, the writers cheated us out of it and had everything happen off camera. WTF???? I can't watch X-Files reruns because I can't have my unrequited love of Fox Mulder reignite.

So I would say, all authoritative an' shit, that Mulder and Scully never happened for fans.

I don't care about the rest, I'm going to go back to eating my delicious cheese for dinner.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and not to beat a dead horse but if Kate Winslet is B, there's no way Gillian Anderson is higher than C+.

I too always wanted Carrie and Aiden to get together. I hated Big and can't stand the fact they ended up together.

Anonymous said...

For #1 and #2: What about Olivia and Elliott? They never got together on the show. She has had only one "hit" and he has had two, SVU and Oz. She is married and he is married. Aww, they miss each other!

Aoife said...

1&2 Tom Welling and Allison Mack

3 No idea

4 L'il Wayne, Snoop, Marshal Mathers

Beth said...

1/2 Dunno, but none of these guesses seem great.

3. Like Quincy for this one, but his second wife was the one that seemed to cause him trouble. I'll go with Russell Simmons.

4. Eminem was my first thought, but if he's sober...

What about Kid Rock? Maybe he got hep from Pam Anderson.

As for Carrie and Aiden, I always disliked them as a couple. I thought their chemistry was shit.

kmt said...

Long time reader first time poster .... I was in las Vegas a few months ago and met way is he a heroin addict. He was the fittest guy I've ever met. Rock solid. Maybe high from pot but totally coherent and nice. Was with a big entourage and that little boxer...mayweather?

Aoife said...

As for Aidan and Carrie she blew a good thing.

ardleighstreet said...

#1)Pauley Perrette (I like her & think she's better then C+) & Mark Harmon.

ardleighstreet said...

#3 Needs his @$$ reported to the CDC.
Can we give him a nickname like Typhoid Mary---say, Hep C Kayne?

Sparkles81 said...

I was going to say Evangeline Lilly and Matthew Fox of Lost but she is not married - has a baby with her boyfriend.

redronnie said...

I love the Mulder and Scully guess, my daughter bought me the box set for Christmas a few years ago now my 13-year-old grand-daughter is hooked. She asked me if they ever get together and I keep telling her "watch" Anderson was married and divorced twice and has three children. She is currently in a relationship with a documentary producer

Sparkles81 said...

Here is a semi wacky one that somewhat fits - Lisa Kudrow and Matt LeBlanc?

Unknown said...

Seriously, Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny were the first people I thought of for #1.

Electric Warrior said...

I highly doubt Dre for #4, his son died of a heroin OD.

I'm gonna go with Eminem, just because of his prior history. It's a tough habit to kick.

Emi said...

Number 1 is so Duchovny and Anderson. Everyone at this point knows Andersons "partner" is gay and just a smoke screen for her relatioship with Duchovny.

JosieJo said...

Black Friday people!

I can't think of anyone for #1&2. Maybe one of the actors is Taye Diggs?

#3 sounds like Russel. He's always been that way and also why he prefers very young and impressional women.

I like Snoop for #4.

LorrieAnn said...

Love the Kid Rock guess!

HudsonJoe said...


Like you I think Pauley Perrette is great but I think the relationship with the Gibbs character is ultimately paternalistic.

Cousin Eddy said...

#4 Flavooooooooor Flav!

Jasmine said...

Just popped in to add my 2c after reading all your fine guesses.

I DONT think it's Kelly and Zac (RIP Saved by the Bell 4-ever!) Their relationship MADE fans nuts- we all loved them together!

I DONT think it's Em- was his previous addiction even heroin? I think he has stated he was fucked up through the last 2-3 or more albums, practically since the beginning of My Name Is, when that exploded it seems like he got progressively more into drugs/alcohol. Remember when he disappeared for awhile? Afterwards, when this last album came out, he was very very vocal (in ways he hasnt been before) about being on some shit and staying clean for the last few years now. Also, his new song LIGHTERS with Bruno Mars is fucking amazing and blowing up the charts as we speak- so it cannot be him, simply by virtue of the blind where Enty says the rapper has been quiet lately. He hasnt been, ergo, he is eliminated from this blind.

I think the only rappers named have been: Kanye, 50c (my tentative vote goes to him), JayZ, and Lil Wayne, and there HAS to be more A+ rappers than that!

Btw, EFF the Alist mogul in #3. And while i'm at it- eff the A+ rapper too. Misogynistic assholes, taking their personal problems with their lives and themselves out on women.

cincinnatikate said...

snoop doggy dog...for #4...

thethruthisinhere said...

#1 and #2 refer to Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny. It's true that Gillian isn't married, but her partner always figures as her husband on press notes about them. So she's technically married in the public eye. Maybe Gillian is not C+ in the UK, but she is in the USA, where she's mostly known for her role in the hit tv series The X-Files as special agent Dana Scully. David Duchovny's rep announced the breakup with Tea Leoni this Summer, but he's still sort of married in the public eye despite being actually legally divorced. "Their relationship never happened for fans", a lot of X-Files fans wanted them together in real life, but it never happened, at least not in the public eye. There's been rumors about them being together since 2008 when they filmed X-Files: I Want to Believe. Gillian's second son Felix is even rumored as being David's. So for me #1 and #2 are totally Anderson and Duchovny.

M said...

I have no clue about #1-3, but for has got to be Eminem. The A++ status is a nod to his Academy Award. 50 Cent is on the upcoming cover of Jet Magazine looking as good as 50 Cent can. Lil Wayne is all over the place, including WNBA games looking his "usual" and not acting out of the ordinary. Kanye was just in Paris being whiny bitchy Kanye. He's not strung out, just douchy. Here's 50:

thethruthisinhere said...

And as for her other two kids, half the people in Hollywood also believe are his.

Duckie said...

The rumor in Hollywood is that Duchovny is screwing everything in sight NOT Gillian.

thethruthisinhere said...

@duckie That's not what I've been told. And I know what I'm saying because I've got friends working in the industry. So I know for sure that Gillovny is a real thing.

Duckie said...

@thethruthisinhere Oh you're that CRAZY person. Gillovny exists in the minds of ugly women who can't get dates. Other people have sources too and while I think Duchovny is a creep, even I don't think he's creepy enough to have three kids he doesn't raise or even see. You have some really perverted ideas and try desperately to make this blind work to fit your fantasy - and it does if you change EVERYTHING about it - including the fact that they live THOUSANDS of miles apart - you do understand that NYC and London aren't right next door to each other don't you?

Emi said...

Aside from the fact that evidently you don't understand how HW works, you are using ridiculous arguments and personal offenses to defend your opinion. Rest assured neither Duchovny nor Anderson care what anybody says (including you):)

Emi said...

Aside from the fact that evidently you don't understand how HW works, you are using ridiculous arguments and personal offenses to defend your opinion. Rest assured neither Duchovny nor Anderson care what anybody says (including you):)

Emi said...

Aside from the fact that evidently you don't understand how HW works, you are using ridiculous arguments and personal offenses to defend your opinion. Rest assured neither Duchovny nor Anderson care what anybody says (including you):)

Emi said...

Aside from the fact that evidently you don't understand how HW works, you are using ridiculous arguments and personal offenses to defend your opinion. Rest assured neither Duchovny nor Anderson care what anybody says (including you):)

Lelaina Pierce said...

@nurabitz/Sunshine Flower - I LOVED Aidan and HATED Big. I yelled at my TV. :(

vladigora said...

I agree that #1&#2 is may be Gillian and David. They live in different continents, but Anderson often arrives in America. And we do not always know about it. And David goes to London. I heard that they bought a house in Los Angeles.

ardleighstreet said...

@Hudson Joe--- Yeah paternalistic for some people, but the people who write fan fiction have had them hooked up from day one. Look at the boards for them Gibbs Abby = Gabby google it. I kid you not they have a RABID following. :)

She has been in a lot of shows but only really known for one character. Mark has been in a string of good shows. It kind of fits but would make me sad since he's been married to Pam forever.

lzahart said...

Er, this is making me ill.

First, I guess I am confused. I thought that G. Anderson/D. Duchovny as a real life pair were a figment of the overactive imaginations of XFiles fans. And sadly I can say they did get together on screen-- both on the show in the horrible later years, and also in the equally horrible 2nd movie they are living together, so... the relationship did happen for fans onscreen. But offscreen, ew, I hope Gillian can do better than that, she seems so classy and he seems so... not classy any more at all and the literal personification of his Californication role. And I used to love him. How things change. But is there any actual truth to these rumors that they are together IRL? I assumed his marraige ending wasn't able him cheating with one person, it was about him cheating with an entire town.

And double ew on the Gibbs/Abby idea, that is just so gross, and I don't want to believe that is possible (ha ha).

For the A++ rap star.. as much as I wish this wasn't the case I think it has to be Eminem because of the A++ (academy award). I don't see him out there screwing tons of groupies and would love him to be committed to staying sober, but he's already had a prescription pain pill addiction, only a short leap from there to heroin. Too bad it really seemed he was getting his act together.

kris kris said...

1#2- Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny, although in the movies, they did end up "happening" for the fans. There's been rumors for a while now that they used to hate each other during filming of the show, but hooked up during the second movie.
3- Russell Simmons. If I was married to Kimora, I'd want a girl who didn't talk a lot, too.
4- This sadly sounds like Eminem. 50 cent was last seen on Mayweather/Ortiz 24/7 and looked VERY healthy. Eminem had past history with opiates a la painkillers, so heroin wouldn't be a stretch. So, so sad.

bouncergirl said...

I agree with Kris Kris re: #3 Russell Simmons. No one wants Kimora...

However, I disagree on #4. It's not Eminem. Can't be, he's been way too open about his drug use and his intense dislike of needles. So, unless he was snorting heroin and separately got Hep some other way, it's not him.

I could easily see it being 50. Just because you have Hep doesn't mean you look sick...

Duckie said...

@lzahart - What those Gillovny people spout is science fiction- Good God the insanity they believe as gospel. Duchovny is seen around NYC and LA ALL the time but seemingly goes to London and is NEVER seen there by ANYONE- is that possible? Just read what they write and your head will explode. They want this so badly they make any scenario fit. The fact that it is well-known in Hollywood that Duchovny had a vascetomy (so he could sleep around) after his son was born doesn't mean anything to them - he still has to be the father of Anderson's kids.

Emi said...

@Duckie Maybe that's what YOU want to believ. LOL You're grasping at straws Duckie:)

guy said...

I agree 4 is Eminem. I saw a video of him on an English talk show from a few years back and he never smiled once. He talked about a running addiction, like multiple times a day. And, if he hasn't be drinking, it stands to reason that he might have found something else.

NellyBelly said...

I really hope it's not Eminem, but the heroin addiction would make sense due to the fact that it was methadone that Eminem had gotten addicted to before he went back to rehab. However, he hasn't really been quiet lately, seeing as how he just appeared on the BET Cypher, so I'm not totally sure. Also, Eminem is definitely not that afraid of needles, given his fascination with tattooing. I would believe that he received Hep C from a dirty tattooing needle or skanky fan over it coming from a dirty heroin needle. This would break my heart, so I hope it isn't him.

I have a feeling it could be Lil Wanye, seeing as how he just sold a huge amount of records, and he is prone to having unprotected sex and fathering many children with these girls. I don't think he really cares about drug tests because I'm sure someone with his money can pay those people off somehow.

I wouldn't consider 50 Cent A++ anymore.

So I'm going with Lil Wayne, lol. Please let it be him.

NellyBelly said...

Also, Eminem as of late, has not been known to really sleep with that many girls, and he barely leaves his house, so I feel like that alone should rule him out.

Now, if only he wasn't so damn skinny now. :(

jax said...

my money is on 50 Cent. he was constantly tweeting before but pretty quiet lately.

russell simmons is a producer not rapper. his brother, rev run was in run dmc.

Henriette said...

Ted C has done quite a few tidbits alluding to David D and Gillian hooking up during the second X-Files movie. Yes I want to believe!

Anonymous said...

Not sure about 1&2 but #3 is Russell Simmons and #4 is Lil Wayne


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