Saturday, October 29, 2011

Demi Moore Under 90 Pounds

Demi Moore stands about 5'5" which is what Tom Cruise sees when he wears heels. Unlike Tom though Demi only weighs about 90 pounds right now. I always joke about someone weighing 90 pounds, but do you realize that is like one pound over 89? There are kids in elementary school who weight more than that. This is why the pictures of her look so shocking lately. No one who is 5'5" should ever weight just 90 pounds. That is crazy. I have eaten 90 pounds of food in like two weeks. Not proud of it, but I have.

E! News is the one who found out how much she weighs. I say they are taking a guess, but I think it is a pretty good one. How much did Nicole Richie weigh the final time she was arrested? I think it was about the same and since then she has added some weight. Now people are going to speculate that either Demi is stressed and not eating or that Demi really is taking drugs to cope as some tabloid reports have suggested.


  1. My guess is drugs instead of an eating thing. Eating disorders effect your hair and her hair is still shiny and gorgeous.

    But it's just a guess, I could be wrong.

  2. Umm, my SEVEN yr old son is 70 lbs! Granted my boy is super super tall and he is skinny himself. Good God Demi, I hope so much she gets well.

  3. Her arms look CRAZY! Whether it is stress or drugs, she needs to eat like, yesterday. Are the tabloids saying coke or pills or what? Anyone know?

  4. I weight about 95 -100 pounds, O.K. I'm barely 5'3" but I have never ever looked that thin, nor would I want to..
    She looks scary and I really believe it's stress...this whole situation must be eating at her.
    That and the talk that Ashton is January Jones' baby's daddy. I think she's very unhappy and doesn't know what she wants to do.

  5. OMG OMG OMG - MISCH. Where did you get this news about Ashton being in the running for JJ's baby daddy?!? Dish it.

  6. Oh please. Once again, the armchair analysts have spoken, and decided she weighs 90 lbs. Unless someone has actually witnessed her stepping on the scale, it's nothing more than speculation.

    When I get stressed, the pounds just fall off (I know the opposite also happens for people). It takes time, but things right themselves after a while. And I can honestly say that although I know people mean well, constantly hearing "you're too skinny" or "you need to eat" doesn't help the situation. The weight will come back.


  8. I couldn't care less about whether or not Demi Moore weighs 90 lbs. She is such a self absorbed douche and if she wants to starve herself, so be it. I care more about non-celebs who are starving to death due to no fault of their own.

  9. Susan,

    they said it amounted to a one night stand.

  10. she is sooo tweeked out and you can tell in this picture. look at those teeth grrrrind!

  11. The sad thing is, this is probably Rachel Zoe's dream, since she styles Demi. She's probably loving it.

  12. I know everyone likes Ashton and January for that blind, but wouldnt it have said something about the actor's wife being a celebrity herselF?

  13. Yeah but Enty revealed it was the X Men director that was the daddy.

  14. Yeah, thats what I think too Reno

  15. IA linnea, I don't think Ashton is in any way shape or form her baby's father. People just think that's the most juicy guess I think.

  16. My hope for Demi is she still has muscle tone. That is very important because if you have an eating disorder but don't work out you lose muscle, your heart is a muscle. That is why Karen Carpenter had a heart attack, even though she started eating, she had placed too much stress on her heart. I have a friend who is in the midst of an eating disorder. I won't comment on her weight. Another of our friends is totally clueless and keeps commenting on how skinny she is and how good she looks. I will be pulling her aside and telling her to stop. Heartbreaking as she is 43 with two children. Also, she has no muscle tone. She hasn't been exercising. The odd run which is no good as it sheds more fat and muscle. She needs to eat and take up weights. Don't know what to do. Her parents have fronted her husband and he denies she has a problem. A couple of us would place bets on it being an abusive relationship. I love my husband. I am so lucky.

  17. She looks awful. She is such a vain person and has always been so concerned with her appearance. I am surprised she let herself get this thin. I am glad she took out those massive implants. Otherwise she wouldn't be able to hold herself up.

  18. Anonymous2:06 PM

    I was always freaked out by Demi Moore's too big veneers on her teeth. They look so ugly - like when old people's heads shrink and their chompers don't !

    Now that she's even skinnier, those teeth are way too prominent and uglier than ever. It's all I focus on !! YIKES !

  19. She probably thinks she looms fabulous. In Hollywood looking almost anorexic seems to be the goal.
    I love that lately more curvy women have become popular like Adele, Kim K (even though she makes me insane, i appreciate her curves), and there are more I cannot think of.
    It is unhealthy to be severely over or under weight. Hollywood's ideal can kill people.

  20. Doesn't Demi go to South America every year for treatments, the skin tightening lasers and such...
    I have never seen seen photo's of her up and back from the gym....

  21. Good lord. She just looks scary. And .. as I sit here today with the 'Boob Tube" on .. one of those idiotic philandering Ashton commercials was on .. the ones with various plays off him gawking at chicks like he is .. well .. the man whore he is.

    I know I have given her crap in the past about acting like some idiot child .. but this just scares me. Don't get me wrong .. I still think she acted like an idiot .. but this is rapidly becoming an issue of life or death.

    Not sure if she is not eating .. if it is drugs .. but whatever it is, someone who cares about her needs to help her snap out of it.

  22. I think she is just miserable with everything going on in her life. When I am depressed, I can't eat. She has been publicly humiliated, AND on top of that, Bruce is having another child, while Demi has been desperate to have a baby for years. (I know someone in the family, Demi has had several miscarriages with Ashton).

    I don;t think she is on drugs, she doesn't have that "fucked up" look to me.

  23. Tweeting those pics of herself back in the day just screamed insecure desperation to me. I definitely think she has issues which escalated with Ashton's shenanigans. Rachel Zoe as her stylist? Didn't she style Nicole Richie when she was a wreck? I think it's both: drugs and not eating as a result of drugs.

  24. it happens. some people cope by eating, others cope by not eating. she looks really sad. once she gets past this rough patch in her life she'll put the weight back on.

  25. Personally, I think she looks like she weighs more than 90 lbs. But, she is very thin.

    You know, when I'm heartbroken, sad, or whatev, I prefer to stay home and watch old sitcoms on TVLand or Nick At Night. Why does Demi keep walking the red carpet? Does she crave attention that much?

  26. Califblibdy, I think she goes out at this point to put on a brave face and try and convince the worked that all is fine and dandy in her world.

    I don't think she weighs 90 lbs, because at 5'5", she'd look like this at 105. yeesh....

  27. My mom looked this thin when she went through her divorce in her 40s. She was 5'8" and dropped to 105. Her clothes were hanging off her, she couldn't eat and she had colitis on top of it. A bag of nerves. Once it all settled out she gained the weight back and started looking better.

  28. Here's what I think is really happening:

    Supposed open relationship those two have or not, she is probably facing the very real reality that the marriage is crumbling- he is being so obvious in his cheating it's pretty insane- and what she is doing is desperately trying to stay both relevant to him and be the most desirable woman she can be and she is also trying to control the few things she feels in control of at the moment. Both aspects are leading to food intake.

    Women are programmed in Western Societies to think their outward appearance is more valuable than their inward selves.

    I see a woman dangerously and pathetically dieting herself away because she thinks changing her outward self and conforming to traditional aspects of womanhood-thin and smallness- is what will keep her philandering husband.

    Its sick and sad and fuck Ashton for probably being oblivious to it.

  29. Man, I would love to lose my appetite whenever I get stressed. When I get stressed, my appetite kicks into overdrive and I eat eat eat my way out of it. That's how I gained an enormous amount of weight in my mid twenties (not proud of it) and had to spend two years on Weight Watchers to get myself back down to a "healthy" weight. The only time I lose my appetite is when my health is poor, e.g. bronchitis or pancreatitis.

    Anyway. Demi Moore should not be anywhere under 110 lbs. I mean, if you're 4'10" and weigh 95 lbs., you probably look really good, but at 5'5" I think you should probably weigh about 115 - 120 if you're trying to look attractive. Maybe 110 if you've got a lot of pressure on you to be Hollywood skinny. From what I've been hearing about Ashton Kutcher, he seems like he gets off on messing his exes'/paramours' minds and lives up. If there is any justice in this world Bruce Willis will kick that scrawny b-tard's ass with plenty of time to make it to happy hour.

  30. Demi Moore is capping off a lifetime of being hard to like. I remember way back when, when some magazine sent people to work at a party she and Bruce Willis had (in Idaho? I can't remember the details) and she and Willis were wasted all day, fighting, vicious and disconnected. This was around the time her mother was raped (got drunk in a bar, was raped on a country road and left to die), and her fans defended her decision not to speak to her mother while her detractors thought it suggested that something was wrong with Moore.

    Flash forward to now. I think she made a mistake in marrying a child famous for drug and alcohol excesses considering the difficulty that chemical dependence has brought in her family of origin and first marriage. And now his "partying" casts a shadow over her life, and I don't think that we would all be saying these mean things about her appearance if she hadn't hooked up with someone her children's age. Or maybe she would be better off with someone who did not "party" so much, considering her own history of addiction?

    Another thing to point out: this is the premiere of a major studio film, I think, and yet no one even cares about the movie. She's become a box office stankbomb. And yet many filmgoers still have some positive feelings for her. I do, a little, though not as much as I did years ago.

  31. I wonder what her daughters think of their mom? Do they realize what a giant douche-bag their step dad is.

  32. Demi, I am more than willing to help you out and donate 30 of my pounds to you. Thank you. Thank you very much.

  33. So we're back to slagging celebs for their weight, huh? Well, then, I want in on the fun, too.

    Let's sew that big fat Greek's mouth shut so she won't keep stuffing lamb into it. That heifer grosses me out. Kirstie Alley, you made me vomit when you were on "DwtS," and I can't afford to vomit. Where was your dignity? You didn't have the smarts to know we were laughing AT you in those absurd outfits and not WITH you? And Queen Latifah, you're heart-stoppingly beautiful, but only from the collarbone up. Please, oh, please, put the donuts down! I *don't* want to hear all the tribute songs to you when you die from heart failure! I get sooo tired of those!

    There. I hated that. It felt disgusting. But dammit, if you people are gonna keep spewing this bullshit then you're gonna hafta look at it, too.

    Just because Enty starts it doesn't mean you hafta finish it. Rise above it. Don't take the bait. You're better than that.

    Aren't you?

  34. Not that it matters, but I think Brad Goreski styles Demi, not Rachel Zoe.

    I don't understand why they are staying together. How can you forgive someone who humiliated you that much?

  35. She looks way too thin, but not 90 pounds. More like 110, maybe. She's always tried to keep her muscle mass, so even if her body fat is way low, I'm sure her weight is well above 90.
