Chris Tucker Is Losing His Home
Last month I wrote how Chris Tucker was going to make a new movie, something he had not done for a few years. At the time I surmised it must be because he had run out of money. Well, it looks like I was right. Chris is set to lose his home in Florida to the bank and to the IRS and to everyone else he owes money to. The home is worth $6M but he owes a little over $4M. So, you say to yourself, well he will get $2M back. He would, except he owes the IRS $11M. Here is what I do not understand. It is one thing to owe the IRS money or to lose your house because you do not have a job, but to allow both those things happen when all you have to do is pick up a phone and get $5M -$20M for a movie (depending on if its Joe Movie or a Rush Hour sequel) and not doing it seems kind of crazy. Chris probably figures, "I will make two movies back to back. One to pay all my bills and one to use to start over again and when that money runs out, I will do it all over again." Yeah, well one of these times, maybe he will pick up the phone and no one will answer.