Monday, October 31, 2011

Cheryl Burke And Robert Kardashian Sound Like They Are Dating

Chad Ochocinco is going to be ticked off. I bet he always thought he would be Cheryl Burke's favorite partner. I mean he did buy her that big big ring and they even dated while he was on the show, but apparently, Cheryl has moved on and this time it is to Robert Kardashian. Well, she sounds like it anyway. She could not stop saying nice things about him and when she wrote this piece for Kneepads or gave the interview it was like he was right there with her. She says she is not sure if they will go out on the show Monday night, but that, "Rob is definitely the partner I get along with the most. We just have a lot of fun. There's not one day that goes by that he doesn't make me laugh and smile. Normally at this point, you're tired of each other, but Rob and I never feel that way. We have a great chemistry. We respect each other. We know to have fun with the process."

And he didn't even have to buy her a ring. At the same point would she ever say anything bad about a partner she is dancing with? She would probably wait until its over before she says something bad and also to make sure whether or not she is going to get a gig on one of the Kardashian's reality shows for next season. Then she can say how she really feels.


  1. I don't always watch the show - did not watch at all this season - but it seems to me that Cheryl Burke dates like a man: unapologetic, and free to do what, or whom she wants. Which I admire. No bull, no drama.

  2. I'm sure Michael K. will have something interesting to say about this hookup.

    Why do men grow facial hair like that? It just makes him look doughy, dirty, stinky, and skanky. Just go balls out and grow a substantial lumberjack beard, instead of those stubbly chinpubes.

  3. I wonder if she dates these people because the like their "fame", or if she really does flounce around like this. I can't hate on her for flouncing, but if she had a regular job, would she continuously be sleeping with her partner? Seems like it could get ugly in a regular life.

  4. Wow, up early aren't we! Jazzercise is all I think of when I see this woman. I have no idea where she came from though. Rob's not half as cute as he was a year ago.

  5. I don't think she realizes he is the broke Kardashian.

  6. OT: TMZ says Kim K asked the divorce today

  7. Cheryl seems like alot of fun to me.
    Good for her for enjoying her men!

  8. I don't buy this at all. At one point he threw her out of his arms in disgust when they broke for commercial. Besides, I think he's in the closet.

  9. And for all you people who think Gerry Butler sleeps with every woman he sees, he turned Cheryl down! :-D

  10. Wasn't there a blind item on here a while ago about her then-boyfriend (one of the Lawrence boys) walking into her DWTS trailer and finding her on her knees pleasuring Drew Lachey?
    "Hey, Drew, how are the wife and kids?"

  11. nunaurbiz, I think Gerry likes to be the chaser, not the chasee.

  12. I don't know...I think you have to say nice things about your dance partner. Unless you're Kendra.
