Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Carre Otis Spills About Mickey Rourke

I always knew that Carre Otis/Mickey Rourke relationship was messed up, but in Carre's new book you can really see how messed up it was. In the book she talks about how Mickey once sent some guys to beat up gay photographer Steven Meisel because he had taken a photo of Carre's butt for Vanity Fair. Apparently Mickey thought only he should be able to see her naked. Umm, what was Wild Orchid about then? Maybe it is different if it is for money for Mickey.

There was the time Mickey proposed marriage to Carre. This one is really romantic. He got down on one knee and asked and when she hesitated, he went and got a sword from his car and threatened to kill himself unless she said yes. No pressure there Carre. She also discusses how she found a gun in her purse that belonged to Mickey which he had out there. She forgot it was in there, it discharged and almost hit her in the heart.

Instead of being worried about Carre, Mickey's only concern was making sure no one found out about it and while she is laying there in pain telling her she needed to cover this whole thing up. Nice guy.


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