Saturday, October 15, 2011

Bye Bye Charlie's Angels

It has been a bad year for new dramas on television and Charlie's Angels is no exception. The show was canceled after just four episodes. It looks like Minka Kelly can now go back to being the ex-girlfriend of Derek Jeter instead of Minka Kelly, one of Charlie's Angels. If you are a fan of the show, then you will get to see the remaining episodes that have been shot. I guess there are probably at least a couple. I only watched one episode and I did not think it was that bad. It just could not get any traction going against X Factor.


  1. While I'm no fan of this version of Charlie's Angels- it still is beyond shit that once again a reality tv show has booted off a real show.

    The fact that it's being done by yet another reality singing show is just icing on the shitty cake.

    I'm so over the entire media tv stuff anyways.
    Changing MTV to be nothing but reality shit staring teenagers that real teenagers cant even look up to for real values and morals and ambition....
    Not giving show quirky shows a chance anymore unless they're big budget stereotypy shows that please middle america...
    and replacing the art of acting and creative writing with fucking reality shit....
    and ALL THIS is done just to turn a profit.

    These decision makers probably are the sort of people who look at a beautiful sky and just picture it as wasted space that could be filled with flying advertisements.

    greedy emotionless bastards.

  2. and Simon Cowell can suck it

  3. There was no reason to make this show in the first place. I am glad it was canceled.

  4. I was kind of getting into it - sad it got pulled so soon. I feel like they don't give shows a chance to grow an audience any more. If it isn't a top 10 show out of the gate they axe it within two weeks.

  5. The pilot put me to sleep so I won't miss it. Drew Barrymore as producer doesn't know anything about creating an emotional story arc or drama.

    Lyla Garrity deserves a better show. The blonde girl that looks like Rebecca Romijn and the other girl - it's hard to say.

  6. It's true that they yank shows too quickly but I truly believe someone was smoking crack when they decided to re-make this series. Some things you just leave well enough alone. I'm sure Aaron Spelling has stopped spinning in his grave with this very good news.

  7. If you are going to remake a tv show then it should at least be better than the original. I haven't watched this show, so I don't know if that was the case...but the original Charlie's Angels really was a bad show---from the acting on down to scripts that were little more than an excuse for Farrah Fawcett to toss her hair, or an excuse for some jiggling of the lady parts.

  8. Haha @blackcat's comment. 2nd.

  9. This was euthanasia.

  10. @Jasmine YES, INDEED. X2

  11. It was really bad. Really, really bad. Did I mention that it was really bad? And this is coming from someone who loves the new 90210, so my standards are LOW.

    Apart from the god-awful writing, Minka's acting was atrocious, and all you could see on Rachael Taylor's face was her constant struggle to remember to speak with an American accent.

  12. Something I read online:
    The Hollywood Reporter’s chief television critic Tim Goodman wrote a scathing review on the series, saying, “It’s beyond heinous. It contains some of the worst acting of the last decade on network television, much of it by Minka Kelly.”

    Yikes! I love Drew Barrymore, but I never had plans to watch this. I'm still Charlie's Angeled out from the movies.

  13. Reality TV didn't boot this show off the air; its sheer awfulness did that. Three beautiful girls kicking ass, and the producers managed to make it brain-numbingly, unbelievably boring.

  14. I totally agree with Mooshki-- Minka Kelly is a terrible actress.

    The pilot had Nadine Velazquez (Catalina from My Name Is Earl) and they killed off her character to introduce Minka Kelly's... really? Get rid of the one person who could actually act for the cardboard cutout that once dated Derek Jeter?

    I'm also betting that the ass-slapping incident never actually happened, that it was a story floated to garner sympathy and to make people forget that her acting skills are non-existent.

  15. What is Minka Kelly even famous for? Has she acted before? Is she a model?

    When I saw a pic the other day of Minka and the blond girl kissing each other, I knew they were desperate to try to get some viewers.

  16. This is the second time they tried to remake the TV show...and the second time it flopped.

  17. The only good reboot of a TV series I have ever watched was Battlestar Gallactica.

    Nothing comes close to that one.

  18. Why? I cannot count the amount of times they have tried to resurrect CA the tv show. Even when I was an actor 25 yrs ago they would trot out the audtions around the country, declare a team of gorgeous girls and then it would never get made. Honestly, it wasn't that great the first time. And touche Jasmine. HATE reality shows and they can all go to hell.

  19. a) dangit, I forgot that Enty was posting on weekends now!

    b) don't blame XFactor (seriously - is anyone watching this Idol retread?) This show was DOA, just because Charlie's Angels is a show from the 70s that now looks sexist 30+ years later. And also because the show was well done once already - no need to remake it.

  20. I think the original show was enough. The Drew Barrymore movies were bad enough.
