Thursday, October 06, 2011

Blake Lively Already Back With Ryan Reynolds

Here is something I don't really understand. Why, with the very notable exception of Alanis Morrisette, do all of Ryan Reynolds ex's seem to always seek him out in times of trouble? In the past month he has been with Scarlett J at least three times and not just dinners, but also they went to a concert together. Olivia Wilde, who he may or may not have dated was at the same concert with Ryan and Scarlett and no one really seems to care. I think there would have been some fireworks if Blake Lively had been there too though because I am not sure she is on Scarlett's Christmas card list.

This past weekend Blake went up to Boston from New York with Ryan and spent the weekend at Ryan's place. Ryan does not really seem like the kind of guy who would allow himself to be the backup guy. Scarlett gets dumped by Sean Penn heads back to Ryan. Olivia? Well, we are not sure what went on there but goes to Ryan. Blake gets dumped and goes back to Ryan who did not treat her that great during their time together. Even Sandra Bullock has Ryan over all the time but that has got to be just friends. Is he just a great listener, nice to look at or he is just so into himself that he does not want to hear about your troubles and pulls tough love and tells you to move on? And why does Alanis hate him so much?


  1. Anonymous9:36 AM

    I have always found the Morisette-Reynolds relationship and break-up intriguing. What went wrong? Why does she hate his guts?

  2. Anonymous9:39 AM

    The obvious answer is that he's packing like a Clydesdale and knows how to use it.

    Jokes aside: as for Alanis, I get the impression that when she was through with him, she was THROUGH with him 100%. Ryan may be a basically decent guy, but he seems high maintenance in a way. And his star was becoming bigger as their relationship ended. Maybe he got a big head from it? I can see that becoming an issue for Alanis, who seems mellow and earth-motherly.

  3. Maybe he's a great lay! hehe

  4. I would like to know what the real deal was with Reynolds and Morisette.

  5. I've been wondering this too. Maybe he just stands there and looks pretty.

  6. He rejected Blake on the set of their movie...then she went off and dated he figures maybe she's gained some he's single now, she's single, why not screw a hot chick who's wanted him badly for a long time now.

  7. because he's great in bed but annoying in life? because he's great sex friend but boring in life?...
    Why does Alanis hate him? because he was her love of his life but he dropped her for Scarlet J ? no fucking idea

  8. he must be a great guy for such a high percentage of exes to be able to see past the relationship failures/wrongs and onto the value of friendship. i think it must hint at his character, and that's pretty cool.

  9. @pomme

    I think that's reason enough to hate someone, non?

  10. never understood the alanis/ryan pairing myself.....

  11. Yes, he is nice to look at. Very nice. And given the choice of looking at Leo or Ryan, I'd pick Ryan.

  12. i've never found him attractive but hey, maybe he's one of those men who truly likes women and actually listens to them? if anything, the fact that his exes still seem to stay friends with him makes him sound like a super nice guy to me.

  13. Just for the record, I'd do him in a New York minute.
    Hell, a Manhattan millisecond even.

  14. I just don't find him sexy, yes he's attractive...but not in the way that I would have any interest in bedding him.
    As to why the two are together...who knows.

  15. Alanis hates him? Never heard that before. What's the scoop on that?

  16. Lainey's told a few stories about what an absolute TURD Reynolds is to the "little people". After all those stories I kind of wondered why she would ever be with someone like him in the first place.

  17. Yeah, I'm going to echo some of the other commenters: I know Alanis was heartbroken, but I've never heard that she *hates* him. They probably don't keep in touch because she's happily married and has a baby. Their lives took totally different directions.

    I don't think I've ever even seen a Ryan Reynolds movie. He just doesn't really turn me key, so to speak. I've never been attracted to metrosexuals who wear more makeup than I do -- but I enjoy his interviews, and he comes across as an intelligent person. Hollywood is full of vapid idiots, and I have to respect an actor who can form complete sentences and discuss issues unrelated to his own life.

    So...maybe he's able to retain contact with past dalliances because he's a decent guy and a good person? Not every relationship concludes due to infidelity and other terrible things. Sometimes, things just don't work out due to bad timing and different trajectories, etc. I thought the statement about his divorce that he and Scarlett released was really classy, and it doesn't shock me that they were able to remain friends.

    But I will NEVER get the appeal of Blake, and how she scores those A-listers. This girl should be ~canoodling~ with people like Channing Tatum, NOT Ryan Reynolds or Leo. Sure, she's got a great body, but so do 34578678678345 other actresses, and her work is largely terrible. She was distractingly bad in The Town -- just pure eye candy and nothing else. Having lived in New England, the casting came across as somewhat inauthentic. I just couldn't ignore her Malibu Barbie demeanor.

    P.S. Since Scarlett is Jewish, I doubt she even *has* a Christmas card list. ;-)

  18. *that should read "turn my key," but I also enjoy typos that make me sound like a leprechaun.

  19. i LOVE when ppl accidentally write "me" instead of "my". its my favorite typo and it always makes me laugh.

    or should i say its me favorite typo, lol

  20. perhaps her goal all along was to get Ryan Reynolds from part-time to full-time, so she dated A++ Leo D to make Ryan jealous.

  21. Blake's not that smart, but I think she goes by that old saying when life gives you lemons make lemonade, she's a survivor ...

  22. I just it disturbing and disheartening that a young woman for all her independence and accomplishments, still is stuck in that same old fashioned cycle of going to a man to lick your wounds and get nurturing from. Her bouncing right back to a person who reportedly used her for sex and strung her along after being dumped by Leo is sad.

    When will women learn that they will never find that deep down solace and comfort and security from anyone but themselves?

    Yeah he might have a big dick or nice abs to distract her but how healthy is that really in the long run?

  23. I don't get the appeal, personally. I always thought he/Alanis were such a strange match.

  24. Ida, watch "Just Friends" with Ryan, Amy Smart and Anna Faris. Makes me laugh so hard I snort my drink!

    And I wouldn't mind using RR and then tossing him aside like yesterday's recyclables, non?

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  27. Personally I could care less if he gives good break up or that Alanis supposedly "hates" him. I wanna untie that bow at the top of his pants and who cares where he is the next day. Rrrow!!

  28. RR never really did it for me, but Oh God, that pic Enty posted is making me crazy. I will need to re-evaluate this RR thing...

  29. I love Ryan and I'd bang him like a drum. It's no secret to me why women can't leave him alone.

  30. I think it's weird that he's going out with girls that were still in grade school when he was starring on "Two Guys, A Girl And A Pizza Place."

    But that's just me.

  31. I really like that photo. I don't like him so much though.

  32. He's pretty... I'd do him once, doubt he's all that good and if he is me'd do him twice. ;)

  33. If any of you have seen pictures of Alannis since she had her baby then you'd know what was behind their break up. I think Ryan doesn't want kids...a deal breaker for a lot of women who are reaching the stage of life where their biological clocks are going off loudly and frequently.

  34. (flame retardant suit on)I really, really, really believe in my heart of hearts that Ryan is gay. I have since day one. Sorry - I know that is blasphemy to some of you but I can't help how I feel. But either way, he is an extremely beautiful man. And if Sandra Bullock likes him, he must be a good guy at heart.

  35. betting he's a "cheerleader". you know, the one who pumps the women up, telling them only good things, taking about what they want to talk about, agreeing with them on important topics. he probably really loves women, has a soft spot in his heart for each of them and never said a word in anger, so; no hard feelings. only happy feelings.

  36. I think she wants nothing to do with him because he broke her heart and she's normal! Normal people don't stay BFF with their exes! It's fine to be friendly, but going to concerts? Move on!
