Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Beyonce Starts Maternity Line Of Clothes For Imaginary Pregnant Women

When the Washington Post and ABC News start asking questions about whether Beyonce's baby bump is really a baby bump, then you know Beyonce has some explaining to do. They are also the kind of news organizations that can actually get an answer from Beyonce's public relations team who said that the rumors floating around the internet yesterday were "stupid ridiculous and false," and also wanted you to know that coming soon will be Beyonce's line of maternity wear for women. Seriously. She is going to sell it because well, she is pregnant or wants you to think she is and there is no better way to sell clothes than by wearing them yourself and it is pretty strange to wear maternity clothes if you are not pregnant. I read all the comments yesterday and I would be fully on board about the using the surrogate ala Nicole Kidman, if not for the Croatia photos. That is a tough hurdle to get over. Granted, there were not that many photos and only one photo outlet so maybe they were staged. You are talking about a husband who spent almost $1M in one week of clubbing just on champagne. You don't think he could afford some special effects?

How about we get a live sonogram? Think she would go for that?


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