Saturday, October 29, 2011

At Least An R Rating Would Have Mad The Movie More Interesting

Kristen Stewart has given an interview to Glamour Magazine. In the interview she says that the original sex scene that she and Robert Pattinson shot had to be re-cut because the movie originally got an R Rating. Not wanting to alienate the 10 year olds who love the books and movies, the scene was cut to make it as bland and boring as the acting talent in the movie. I don't know if I can handle two more of these movies. At least if they had kept the sex scene intact it would have made for something to look forward to in the movie. It is hard to believe they could make anything R rated. The books are not even R rated. The fights are not R rated. The birth of the baby/vampire will probably be no worse than something from daytime television. They should have gone dark and gone for an R and really pushed the envelope. Instead it will be the same old same old and by same old same old I mean boring with some of the worst acting this side of a CSI episode.


  1. Without these movies I doubt ANY of these twerps would be stars. Robert and Kristen *can* do some ok acting once in a while, but the rest are terrible.

  2. I have never seen any of this type of movie before but the other night I happened to be stopped on the FX channel and what I guess is the first of the movies come on and I watched it until I couldn't stand it anymore. I didn't last long but I tried.

    The male and female lead were absolutely horrible, like they somehow have zero ability to act or emote.

  3. Even with an R rating, I wouldn't watch that hackneyed crap.

  4. I can't stand this trick and wouldn't be caught dead watching and/or reading anything remotely associated with Twilight, but I'm kinda loving her dress in that pic.

  5. KStew is a liar. I checked the MPAA ratings bulletins, and Breaking Dawn had one rating assigned to it: PG13. If it had received an R rating, don't you think every movie blog on the internet would have reported that along with the studio was making cuts? I think she's just trying to get more people to buy tickets.

  6. I don't believe it. I always wait for these movies to come out on video, and I always hate them, but I'll still definitely finish the series. Sad, huh?

  7. I love the Twilight movies. Especially the first. :)

  8. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Sorry Honey. But that was the sex tape you made while you were high...

  9. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Now that I think about it, the sex tape probably would have only gotten a PG-13 anyway.

  10. I finally saw The Runaways last night and was not impressed. That movie was a snore. It got such great reviews too. This Twilight chick has the personality of wall paper. She did not do Joan Jett justice.

  11. @lanasyogamama - I do the same. The movies are pretty terrible, but yet I continue to see them.

    By this point in the book series, I was ready to throw it out the window. I don't see how having a raunchier sex scene will change anything.
