At Least An R Rating Would Have Mad The Movie More Interesting
Kristen Stewart has given an interview to Glamour Magazine. In the interview she says that the original sex scene that she and Robert Pattinson shot had to be re-cut because the movie originally got an R Rating. Not wanting to alienate the 10 year olds who love the books and movies, the scene was cut to make it as bland and boring as the acting talent in the movie. I don't know if I can handle two more of these movies. At least if they had kept the sex scene intact it would have made for something to look forward to in the movie. It is hard to believe they could make anything R rated. The books are not even R rated. The fights are not R rated. The birth of the baby/vampire will probably be no worse than something from daytime television. They should have gone dark and gone for an R and really pushed the envelope. Instead it will be the same old same old and by same old same old I mean boring with some of the worst acting this side of a CSI episode.