Monday, October 03, 2011

Arrested Development And The Never Nudes Are Returning

At The New Yorker festival yesterday, the entire cast of Arrested Development showed up for a panel on the show. Also there was the creator of the show, Mitch Hurtwitz who said that not only is there a movie in the works but there will be a 10 episode series prior to the movie. Each episode will focus on one member of the Bluth family. The entire thing, both the series and the movie will be shot next summer with everything to come out the following year in the 10th anniversary of the show.


  1. This is so amazing and makes the wait totally worth it!

  2. Yahoooo! Great news on a Monday morning, I'll definitely watch every episode and go see the movie.

    Hope they maintain the same level of quirkiness.

  3. i'm worried about michael cera being so old. but i love him so i think it'll be fine.

  4. Hopefully Tobias Fünke and George Wendt will find themselves making sweet sweet love in the show or the movie.

  5. From what I've already read, in the episodes we will catch-up to what the characters have been up to in the past 5 years, so everyone will age accordingly. So Cera and his weirdness will be appropriately represented.

  6. Love it! But like Michael K said, I'm not holding my breath...again.

  7. well duh of course they are going to do a catch up. they won't pick up from where they left off. that's not what i meant by cera being too old. i just don't know if it will work as well with him being an older character. i liked the awkward early teen phase with him and Mae. Its a different dynamic going from teens to young adulthood. most definitely not an easy one either proven time and time again by long running shows.

  8. This is such good news! I'm going to make my bf now watch the entire series with me before this runs...he's never seen it before.

    And I see no reason to write "well duh". Seriously. Can't we all be nice?

  9. soooo people can be snarky to me all the time and never get called on it, the one time i say even a little something and i get chastised for it? i guess since i'm not "in the group" its not ok for me. got it.

  10. Any word on where these so-called episodes will be aired?

    I remain skeptical, but this IS progress and should be celebrated.

  11. LMSM - no word yet if Fox will buy this. Here's hoping HBO picks it up so the gang could get a bit louder, and less bleeped:)

  12. So what you're saying Bnl1016, is that because other people are occasionally snarky, it's fair game to be nasty to perfectly nice commenters? Uh, ok.

  13. So excited for this! Still the funniest show ever.

  14. No, what i'm saying is how come certain people can get away with it unscathed while others cannot? I didn't curse, or call names, or even say anything in a mean way. Its all how you read it. It wasn't meant to be mean in the least. I've seen other people around here say way worse things and no one says anything to them. So maybe yes, that is what i'm saying. If everyone else can occasionally have an edge to what they say then I should be extended the same courtesy.

  15. YAY! I hope they bring back the great secondary characters too, like Carl Weathers, Bob Loblaw, and Lucille 2! Such a great show. If Fox doesn't pick it up....well then they're just as stupid as they were when they cancelled it. Don't they see people are foaming at the mouth to watch this?!

  16. @bnl - looonnnggg time lurker, first time poster here you just said EXACTLY why i have not posted up to now. this place is very cliquey and if you aren't in the clique good luck. i've witnessed plenty of nastiness and snippy posting happen and no one says anything. and when someone newer does it, they instantly get a slap on the wrist. i will keep reading this blog because i like it. i just wish i could post more often w/out fear of being scolded if something i say comes off a little too harsh. its the internet. it should all be taken with a grain of salt. you can't tell tone through a typed message. if someone calls you names that's pretty different. but this is something a second grader would have said. there's no reason you should feel like you were out of line here. you could have said "well of course", meant the same exact thing and no one would have probably said anything in my opnion. what rules apply to one should apply to another.

  17. @Bnl - glad you weren't trying to be mean, it's unfortunate it came across that way. But please, enough with the "cliques" accusations, ridiculous....plenty of times people are called out for being a jerk on this site. It's what makes this site the only one I comment on - people are generally FRIENDLY.

  18. I'm not in any cliques whatsoever and I thought it was pretty rude to say "duh" to someone for no reason. It seemed uncalled for.

    Anyway, thrilled about the Arrested Development movie / shows. I have missed it so much...

  19. @GetInMyBelly - thanks but its not that serious.

    my issue is just that a week or so ago i was flat out called a moron and no one said a word. i say "duh" and its a problem? it just didn't seem fair.

  20. I am SO EXCITED for this. I've watched all three seasons many times, could watch them all day if you let me. Never saw it when it was actually on the air. I went to a New Year's Day party in L.A. several years ago where everyone (except me) was in the biz. One of the guests, whom I immediately disliked, was a writer for Arrested. I'd heard of the show but at that time didn't watch network TV. Later I'd see it was on TV, but because the writer was such a jackass, I never watched it. I don't know why I finally checked it out but I LOVED it. And that's why you don't judge a show by the arrogant jerk-faced writer.

  21. I saw this first thing on Yahoo news this morning and it completely made my month. I love how they are going to roll it out...I can't wait!

  22. This is so amazing! Really, it truly made me happy. I have never loved a show the way I love arrested

  23. Me too. I gasped when I saw it posted on Facebook and it totally made my day. My husband and I still quote the show on regular basis and sometimes I will break out with a chicken dance.

    This definitely made the long wait worth it.
