Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Adele Cancels Her US Tour

Adele is suffering from some serious throat issues and has had to cancel the final leg of her US tour. She has had vocal problems on and off since she started singing professionally and I really worry that she is going to do something serious. Most of the time when a singer has something wrong they take a few weeks off and everything is fine. Think John Mayer and his recent issues. No, not the issues he has with a celebrity chef or with all the other women he sleeps with, but his vocal issues.

It all started for Adele back in May right before a Minneapolis show. So, she went home and rested and was good for a few months but now it is even worse. Apparently there are serious concerns she may damage her voice forever. Of course if she did it would be tragic, but she would still be better than half the singers out there, if not more.

On her website she really sounds sincere when she talks about canceling which I appreciate. "i have great confidence in believing you know how much this upsets me, how seriously i take it and how truly devastated and annoyed i am by this. wanting to do something so bad and not being able to is the most frustrating thing as im sure you know! my voice is weak and i need to build it back up. I’m gonna be starting up vocal rehab as soon as, and start building my over all stamina in my voice, body and mind. i will be back and im gonna smash the ball out the park once im touring again. i apologise from the bottom of my heart, sincerely i do."

Now only if she would learn to capitalize. The only odd thing other than that is her baseball reference. t seems kind of out of place. I guess she wanted to relate to the people of North America so she threw in a reference. I suppose if it had happened in South American she would have said kicked the ball into the net.


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