41 Year Old Ronald Reagan Had Sex With 16 Year Old Piper Laurie
Piper Laurie has a book coming out on November 1st and The Enquirer got an advance copy. In the book, Piper claims that she lost her virginity at 16 years old and lost it to Ronald Reagan who was 41 at the time and playing her father in a movie. That last part is kind of creepy. Well, so is a 41 year old guy having sex with a 16 year old, especially since his daughter was not that far away in age at the time. Piper had been warned about staying away from Reagan and not going in his dressing room but when he asked her to dinner she said yes. Of course it was at his place because, come on she was 16 and he was 41. Although, I guess that is better than the 51-16 ration of Courtney Stoddard and her husband.
Anyway, Reagan was divorced at the time but was dating Nancy Davis. When they got to his apartment he took her in the back way so no one would notice her and then fed her hamburger and wine and had sex with her. Apparently he had no idea she was a virgin, was shocked she didn't have an orgasm, let alone multiple ones and she probably needed to see a doctor because something was obviously wrong with her. Oh, and he also pointed out to her that he lasted for 40 minutes so she could note that for future posterity.