Friday, September 30, 2011

Your Turn

Have you seen this new show Sperm Donor? It is crazy. I watched it the other night and this guy, who is a lawyer, paid his way through school by donating sperm. He got like $150 a time which is a crazy amount of money if you think about it. Anyway, it turns out this guy must have had some good sperm because he is the father of 70 children. He has already met 15 of them. Now, the great thing about this show is the whole surprise the fiancee' thing that is a part of it. She had no idea he had so many children. So, my question to you is this, would you be with someone who had sperm/egg donor children everywhere?


  1. This is weird, what if two of his kids meet, fall in love and marry ?

  2. Anonymous12:08 PM

    It wouldn't bother me, unless the guy wanted to meet and have relationships with the kids, like this guy apparently wants. That would be too much drama for my taste.

  3. Not sure, I wouldn't mind if he wanted to meet the children he fathered, but 70, GOOD LORD.

  4. Good thing there's no law for that kind of child support. Can you just imagine?

    If I fell for someone who donated sperm, well it's too late, I fell for him. But it'll be weird. Any children we have will have to test any future sex partners they will ever have, so they won't be sleeping with one of their brothers and sisters!

  5. $150 seems a bit high - I thought the going rate was under $50. I guess he's special!

  6. I believe the price that healthy, attractive co-eds at Ivy League Schools get from selling eggs is sky high. Go figure.

  7. @Margaret... they always pay more for eggs because there is actual surgery involved, whereas sperm are just a byproduct of what the guy does anyway.

  8. I work at a hospital that pays $8000.00 for egg donations

  9. I am a sperm donor and I have 177 children. I liked to choke the chicken a lot in my younger years, so I figured - why not get paid for it? Funded my exploits with loose ladies of the night, strippers, and MILFS.

  10. It would depend on the reasons - if he was doing it for the $, that's fine, but if it was some kind of ego trip to make him feel super masculine, then no.

    They are starting to have rules about how often one person's sperm is used in a small geographic area to reduce the odds of siblings hooking up. After a certain number of conceptions, the sperm is "retired." Honestly though, apart from the ick factor, incest isn't usually a problem unless it is multigenerational.

  11. Anonymous1:15 PM

    LES SUCKNO! Where you been????

  12. (I mean, a genetic problem - the psychological implications for people who know they're related are bad.)

  13. He got paid and children would not have been born unless he donated. It was a WIN WIN for all involved. It would not bother me even if he wanted to meet them. As long as he was not going to try and be "Daddy" to 70 children/teens/adults.

  14. Between donated eggs, donated sperm, and donated embryos there is now an entire generation of young adults who need to ask a few extra questions before they have sex with someone. That is assuming their parents ever told them the truth about where they came from.

  15. oh sure. i think it's fine. in fact, i think it's great. people who wanted children got them.
    the word 'family' means a lot of things these days and as far as i'm concerned, you can never have enough family.

  16. There was a French movie about something along these lines, it won a prize at TIFF.

  17. Gosh my father was ahead of his time! He was getting random women pregnant for fee.

    I'm with FS. It's scary when you find out you have multiple half siblings around. You look at each person differently and wonder.

    I would have a problem with this due to my history with my father, and a half-brother I did not find out about until I was 36.

  18. @skeeball - For real?? I could pay off a lot of student loan debt with that much money.

    Wow, that's a LOT of children. I'd probably be a little weirded out if I found out. Does he visit them in big groups or individually? This could take up a lot of time. ;) Hmm.. Super Sperm!

  19. I admit I watched a little, and I couldn't figure out why that guy's sperm was so in-demand. He was tall and well-built, but not so great in the face. The kids they showed were beautiful though, so I guess the moms had done their homework on dominant genetics.

  20. no. i would find it odd that he enjoyed jackin off in a jar for cash THAT much. 70 kids? know when to say when.

  21. Oh dear lord.. what channel is this show on?

  22. That we are discussing this TV SHOW shows just how low we will go. We being the foax who put this shit on the air.

  23. I have suggested it to a couple of people, you can make a good chunk of change if you're willing to agree to allow more info to be provided to possible offspring once they're of age.
    There is actually a little more to it but not much and its not for people in relationships because donors need to abstain.

  24. So. Ahem.

    My son was conceived with donor gametes.

    So I just want to say: Thank GOD there are folks out there who donate, (regardless of whether they get paid or not) because the light and the joy of our (me and my spouse's) lives exists as a result.

    So here's how it works. First, cryobanks (they really prefer that name, not "sperm banks") carefully monitor where the sperm or eggs go. If there are enough conceptions in a part of the world, then that donor's gametes (sperm or eggs) CANNOT be sold to anyone in that region. And "enough" depends on the region, of course. but it's really low, like, say, six in the upper midwest area. So the probability of "just running into" a genetic half-sibling is really really low.

    Now, as for kids conceived this way--well, every parent has to choose how they deal with it, of course. We are completely open. My son has already gotten some bedtime stories about how his parents became parents. It's complicated, because he's barely potty trained, but enough friends and family know his conception story that he needs to know too.

    For the record: we're a hetero couple, so it wouldn't be an obvious assumption. Yeah, we're out there.

    So would I be with someone who donated? HELL yes. They are someone who made a childless family's dream come true. And if they made 70 families' dreams come true? (Probably less because us recipients, when we want to have siblings, generally try to use the same donor...) Regardless of his or her intentions (as in money, I guess), that's a lot of good karma stored up.

    Now, if it turned out to be ego--well, that would start to show up in other ways too, and so THAT would be why it wouldn't work out in the long run, not because of the donations.

    Pardon the rant. I, er, uh, apparently feel passionately about this.
