Wanda Sykes Had Breast Cancer - Is Amazing
There are not many people out there that I admire more than Wanda Sykes. The woman stays true to herself and does what she wants when she wants and if it does not fit into her beliefs then she just moves on. She is going to be on Ellen on Monday and it is an interview you should definitely watch or DVR. Wanda reveals that she had breast cancer and had both of her breasts removed. Apparently she went into the doctor to have her breasts reduced and that is when she found out that she had stage zero breast cancer. They gave her some options of coming back every three months to see if something changed or MRI's every few months but she went ahead and too the double mastectomy option. Now she is cancer free.
Although this is a sad story, this is Wanda Sykes we are talking about and only she could make you laugh and not feel sorry for her as she tells the story. She says the reason she did not speak out about it before was, "I was like, I don't know, should I talk about it or what? How many things could I have? I'm Black, then Lesbian. I can't be the poster child for everything. At least with the LGBT issues we get a parade, we get a float, it's a party. [But] I was real hesitant about doing this, because I hate walking. I got a lot of [cancer] walks coming up."