Monday, September 12, 2011

Top Gun Is Coming Back

Apparently there are people out there who think people will want to spend $15 each to watch Top Gun in 3D. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the 25 year old movie is currently being converted to 3D and will be released in 2012. I think by the time next year rolls around, most of this 3D momentum will have dried up. I don't understand the obsession with it and it is really starting to bother me that to see a movie that is 3D on a weekend night here costs like $20. Just for the ticket. That is a lot of money to spend for something I can get in the mail for free a couple of months later. The thing about Top Gun is that most have people have probably already seen it several times so do you want to actually pay $20 to go see a movie you have already seen for free just because it is now in 3D? Titanic is also being released again in 3D.


  1. Never saw it. Never will.

    Haven't seen Titanic all the way through, either. Always get bored after about 15 minutes.

  2. All I can say is, looking at that picture and knowing what we know now, Kelly McGinnis does look pretty dyke-y there and omg Tom Cruise looks g-gay-gay-gay. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)

  3. The 3D phenomenon is Hollywood's way of making up for the lost revenue of pirated movies in regular format. The thought being that folks are willing to pay for the 3D effect in a theater as opposed to buying a 3D pirated copy.


  5. The little ones have to see their Disney movies in 3D and that makes for an expensive day after we clean-out the snack bar. We've seen a couple of movies with very few actual 3D scenes.

    The 3D effects in the Justin Bieber movie were pretty good; at least they were to the screaming little girls who packed the theater on opening night. Ya, I was there.

    Personally, I don't need to see Top Gun again.

  6. Sick of 3-D. It was exciting when it happened once in a while. And I don't think that movies that are "retro-fitted" for 3-D look as good as those that are specifically made 3-d. Say Toy Story 1 and 2 in 3-d (free tickets) and can't recall much 3-d action, except for the opening corporate logo for Disney.

    Screw Hollywood and their lack of originality. Now they just re-release movies with more special effects than actually trying to make something new.

    I have Top Gun on beta tape, without a machine to play it on. That's enough.

  7. ^SAW Toy Story. Not Say.

  8. I would rather they do this than re-make it (see Footloose).

  9. never seen it and never will.

    LOL at that picture. Never understood the appeal but now it seems even more hilarious. I didn't notice at the time how she looks like a linebacker hulking over tiny Tom.

  10. Well, at least they're not remaking it, are they?

    In what movie is that scene where Quentin Tarantino has a monologue where he explains, in great detail, why Top Gun is a gay movie?

  11. Why remake those movies? Those were 80's movies, they will never look good in the 21st century!

    We will NEVER wear those shoulder pads and that much make-up and hairspray again, so why remake those movies that belonged to that era. Leave them there please. So we can watch them from time to time and take our old highschool pictures and make fun of our hair.

  12. Chalk me up on the side of not understanding this phenomenon at all. It's one thing to produce a film that takes advantage of 3D technology (as I assume Avatar did). It's just absurd to think that any movie needs this kind of treatment.
    It kind of reminds me of the colorizing debate back in the 80s -- the owners are trying to repackage old merchandise and sell it off to us as new. Also, just like colorizing, 3D adds little benefit to these movies and may even take away from some of the original production work. I, for one, am not buying it at all.

  13. I don't like 3D. It's a waste of money and the 3D effects kind of mess with my vision. I remember getting excited for a movie to be re-released in theaters. That was before VHS & DVD's. There's no reason to do that now. I've also heard they are releasing the Star Wars movies in 3D next year. Doesn't George Lucas have enough money by now?

  14. Wake me up when we get to Citizen Kane 3D.

  15. I hate 3D. But I like this idea better a lot better than the studios coming out with horrible remakes of Top Gun & Titanic instead.

  16. Fine, I will say it because no one else is: Yes, I would totally see Top Gun in 3D. That movie rocked my 80s world, and I know I can get some friends to go swoon over Maverick again. Count me in.

  17. I had to go find it:

  18. Except now I'm annoyed because he misquotes it...*LOL*

  19. I'm waiting for them to convert The Godfather to 3D so we can see Sterling Hayden's brains come flying at us during that restaurant scene.

  20. Yawn! Hey Hollywood, pay a writer for doing something original. These ways to make over or rewarm the movies of my youth disgusts me.

  21. So stupid. I loved Top Gun, too but why the hell do I need to see it in 3D?

  22. Is this one of those 'let's get the gays to save our economy' moves, like in that episode of the Simpsons? Men lining up at the theatre just to see that volleyball scene larger than life again.
